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Re: ::::IIVU ASKARII:::: Re: ::::|| VU Askari ||:::: Fwd: CS605 quiz Shared by CS-Boy

today  computer network paper
total mcq was 30 and remaining part was from short question some of 2 marks and some are 3 and some are 5 marks. but friend please prepar old papers. and u will get 100% marks in mcqs. but other question was not from old papers please download solved papers till spring 2010 from this site and prepare them please click on link below and download
CS610 final paper today

Total duration allowed 90 Minutes
Total Questions 45
Total MCQs 30 time budget for MCQs is 30 Minute

There was 15 subjective questions 90 minutes duration

Strange paper was designed for 120 minutes but time given was 90 Minutes so you have to complete subjective in 60 minutes

approximately they were divided as

2 marks 7 questions = 14 Marks and 28 Minutes
3 marks 5 questions = 15 Marks and 30 Minutes
5 marks 3 questions = 15 marks and 30 Minutes

most of questions are available in old papers
30 mcqs from past papers...
45 marks subjective
2 marks (6 qs)
3 marks (6 qs)
5 makrs (3)

why EGP not use routing metric??(5)
kisi ko ata ?
how congestion control by tcp?(5)
IPv6 addressing (5)
define jitter (2)
define TCP(2)
what is client server (2)
ik class ka question tha (2)
how reciever knows incoming frame is id datagram (2)

transit routing (3)
y organization does not use single router(3)
if there is no signal, how sever come to know there is communication arrived(3)
pray for my papers also
remember me in yur prayers


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:20 AM, shafaq <> wrote:
Aslam o ALikum
kindly send the past and current paper of cs610 networks

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consistancy is the key to success

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