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*~* VuPak2009 *~* 101 latest assignment,Quizzes & MDBs solution

  1. ACC311 - Fundamentals of Auditing
  2. ACC501 - Business Finance
  3. BNK603 - Consumer Banking
  4. CS001 - VU-Computer Proficiency License
  5. CS101 - Introduction to Computing
  6. CS201 - Introduction to Programming
  7. CS301 - Data Structures
  8. CS302 - Digital Logic Design
  9. CS304 - Object Oriented Programming
  10. CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
  11. CS402 - Theory of Automata
  12. CS403 - Database Management Systems 
  13. CS408 - Human Computer Interaction 
  14. CS410 - Visual Programming
  15. CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture 
  16. CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms
  17. CS504 - Software Engineering - I 
  18. CS506 - Web Design and Development
  19. CS507 - Information Systems
  20. CS601 - Data Communication
  21. CS604 - Operating Systems
  22. CS605 - Software EngineeringII 
  23. CS606 - Compiler Construction
  24. CS607 - Artificial Intelligence 
  25. CS609 - System Programming
  26. CS610 - Computer Network
  27. CS614 - Data Warehousing
  28. CS615 - Software Project Management
  29. ECO401 - Economics 
  30. ECO402 - Microeconomics
  31. ECO403 - Macroeconomics 
  32. ENG101 - English Comprehension
  33. ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing
  34. ENG301 - Business Communication
  35. FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis
  36. FIN622 - Corporate Finance
  37. FIN623 - Taxation Management
  38. FIN625 - Credit & Risk Management
  39. FIN630 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
  40. HRM611 - Human Relations
  41. HRM624 - Conflict Management
  42. HRM627 - Human Resource Development
  43. HRM628 - Organizational Development
  44. ISL201 - Islamic Studies
  45. IT430 - E-Commerce
  46. MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication
  47. MCM301 - Communication skills
  48. MCM311 - Reporting and Sub-Editing
  49. MCM401 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
  50. MCM404 - Globalization of Media
  51. MCM411 - Introduction to Broadcasting
  52. MCM431 - Development Communication
  53. MCM511 - Theories of Communication
  54. MGMT611 - Human Relation
  55. MGMT623 - Leadership & Team Managemen
  56. MGMT625 - Change Management
  57. MGMT627 - Project Management
  58. MGMT628 - Organizational Developmen
  59. MGT101 - Financial Accounting
  60. MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration
  61. MGT201 - Financial Management
  62. MGT211 - Introduction To Business
  63. MGT301 - Principles of Marketing
  64. MGT401 - Financial Accounting II
  65. MGT402 - Cost & Management Accounting
  66. MGT411 - Money & Banking
  67. MGT501 - Human Resource Management
  68. MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour
  69. MGT503 - Principles of Management
  70. MGT510 - Total Quality Management
  71. MGT520 - International Business
  72. MGT601 - SME Management
  73. MGT602 - Entrepreneurship
  74. MGT603 - Strategic Management
  75. MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions
  76. MGT610 - Business Ethics
  77. MGT611 - Business & Labor Law
  78. MGT613 - Production / Operations Management
  79. MGT623 - Team and Leadership
  80. MKT501 - Marketing Managemen
  81. MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management
  82. MKT621 - Advertising & Promotion
  83. MKT624 - Brand Management
  84. MKT630 - International Marketing
  85. MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry
  86. MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics
  87. MTH301 - Calculus II
  88. MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics
  89. MTH401 - Differential Equations
  90. MTH501 - Linear Algebra
  91. MTH603 - Numerical Analysis
  92. PAK301 - Pakistan Studies
  93. PHY101 - Physics
  94. PHY301 - Circuit Theory
  95. PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology
  96. PSY401 - Clinical Psychology
  97. PSY403 - Social Psychology
  98. PSY404 - Abnormal Psychology
  99. SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology
  100. STA301 - Statistics and Probability
  101. STA630 - Research Methods

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