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Re: ::: ::: MKT501 2nd assignment

2011/5/27 Fizza Dastgir <>
Semester "Spring 2011"
"Marketing Management (MKT501)"
Assignment No. 01 Marks: 20
"Case Study"

Star Electronics is established in 2009. It's a newly established company for electronic products. The company starts its business very well. The first two products they launch are LCD TV and DVD PLAYER. These products are very successful. Company earns a good profit from these two products. These products give tough time to the rivals. The company focuses only these two products through out the year. Because of delivering rapid design, production and distribution, the company going towards growth in a very short span of time.The competition is increasing day by day and consumers are focusing on better product which is less costly and has more features. The company is well equipped with the latest machinery and technology. Combining technology and design to achieve innovative solutions that offer maximum comfort and total satisfaction to the customers. It also consists of good professional team. The company also takes a close eye on research and development. Another aspect of their success is that they not only validate and verify its products, but it develops them in harmony with the requirements to fulfill a consistent and pervasivedevelopment strategy that plugs its main principles. The top management of the company now thinks to make another product (Refrigerator). There is already high competition for this product. Many companies produce this product now a days.

Question # 1:
As a marketing manager, what are the external factors you should consider in order to make this product successful in the market? (10 Marks)

Question # 2:
As a marketing manager, explain the product decisions you should make in order to be successful in the market? (10 Marks)


plz give me the solution mkt 501 assignment 2 plz attach the word file solution not the adobe reader............... 

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