On 6/5/11, ADMIN MAHA <> wrote:
> Subject: *Quick Ratio*
> Dear Sir, How to calculate the "Acid Test Ratio" for the bank? what should
> be taken as the inventory?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> A bank's balance sheet is different from the balance sheet of other business
> forms. You won't find inventory, accounts receivable, or accounts payable.
> Instead, under assets, you'll see mostly loans and investments, and on the
> liabilities side, you'll see deposits and borrowings.
> You will be required to subtract prepaid assets from current assets for the
> calculation of quick assets.
> Prepaid expenses must be there in bank's annual reports. In balance sheet
> there will be a term "Advances and prepayments". Read the note given against
> them to know about prepaid expenses amount.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 479223 Subject: *dividend per share*
> sir divedeind per share ratio the formula is divideend amount/ no of
> equity share sir in blance sheet where we get dividend amount
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> You will find dividend paid amount from cashflow statement under the head of
> financing activities.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 479915 Subject: *Earning Per Share*
> Dear Sir,
> How to calculate the EPS of the bank. i was looking at the *"Notes to
> Financial Statement"* of the bank, they have calculated by the following
> formula:
> *profit attributable to shareholders of the bank / weighted average number
> of ordinary shares*
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> EPS= Net profit/number of outstanding shares.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 479938 Subject: *Branch Analysis*
> Dear Sir,
> I have need to prepare Branch Ration Analysis only or whole organization, if
> whole organization then where we got financial statement of National Bank of
> Pakistan
> regards,
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Ratio analysis should not be done branch wise. It should of the whole
> organization. Complete annual reports of NBP are available in their website.
> You can easily download annual reports from their website. You can also buy
> their annual reports from the stock exchange then why you are asking it from
> the branch officials.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480168 Subject: *Language of Viva*
> Sir what will be the language of viva
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> The Presentation and Viva Voce session should be delivered in English.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480371 Subject: *problem in ratio analysis*
> respected sir : i m doing internship in bank alfalah . i got balance sheet
> but still facing problem in ration analysis on the initial stage the
> information which the balance sheet of the bank shows is given below asset
> a. cash and balances whith tresury banks b. balances with other banks c.
> lending to the finacial intitutions d. investment e. advances f. fixed
> assets g. deffered tax h. other assets now i m to calculate the current
> ratio first two component are current assets but what about the third and
> forth components . are these components are current assets or long term
> assets.if i go with the bookish definations then these are long term asset.
> but i know that these are not completely long term asset.but it also contain
> some current assets. now what should i do .whether i should go with the
> bookish defination or i should go with my own iedas
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Cash and balances with treasury banks, and balances with other banks will be
> wholly included in the current assets. Deferred tax assets and operating
> fixed assets represents long term assets. You should read the Notes to the
> Financial Statements for the Lending to financial institutions, investments,
> other assets and advances in order to know whether these be included in the
> current or long-term assets.
> Bills payable, borrowings will be wholly included in the current
> liabilities. The sub-ordinated loans, other liabilities and deferred tax
> liability represent long term liabilities. You should read the Notes to the
> Financial Statements for the deposits and other accounts.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480639 Subject: *sales amount problem*
> Dear sir, I have a problem in ratio analysis. As the sales are included in
> many ratios but i did not confirm that what amount included in the sales. in
> profit and loss a/c of my bank first of all mark up\return\interest earned
> is given. will i use this amount as sales. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Yes, Mark-up/Return/Interest earned is considered as Sales of a Bank.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480611 Subject: *inventory in case of bank..!!
> *
> respected sir. what should we do with ratios that involve inventory, as
> banks have no inventory so how we calculate ratios like acid test ratio etc.
> kindly guide me sir thanks.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> In quick/acid-test ratio you will deduct the prepayments from current assets
> NOT the inventory as the banks are the service-oriented organizations so
> they do NOT maintain inventory.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480496 Subject: *working capital .. !!*
> respected sir, in ratio analysis, we have to calculate current ratio, also
> we are given working capital ratios, sir as in my knowledge these are same.
> so we calculate both of them?? kindly guide me sir. thanks in anticipation.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> All the formulas have been taught to you in the courses MGT101, FIN621 and
> FIN630. You are required to calculate both of these ratios. If you find any
> difficulty in the calculations please feel free to ask.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480479 Subject: *operating assets*
> Dear Sir Kindly tell me which assets we take while calculating operating
> assets? Whether fixed assets or total assets?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> All assets are Operating Assets but for the purpose of Ratio Analysis the
> operating assets = cash and bank balances + inventory + bills receivable.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480714 Subject: *pproblem of other assets*
> dear sir, Sir i have a confusion that in the case of other assets in
> balance sheet which assets are consider as current assets. The balance sheet
> of my bank other assets contains the folling assets. OTHER ASSETS Income /
> mark-up accrued in local currency Income / mark-up accrued in foreign
> currency Advances, deposits, advance rent and other prepayments Taxation
> (payments less provision) Receivable against sale of marketable securities
> Receivable against bancaassurance Stationery and stamps on hand Prepaid
> exchange risk fee Trustee fee receivable from a related party Unrealised
> gain on forward foreign exchange contracts Others Sir please tell me which
> assets are included in current assets.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> You should read the Notes to the Financial Statements for the Lending to
> financial institutions, Investments, Other Assets and advances in order to
> know whether these be included in the current or long-term assets
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480706 Subject: *question*
> can we give the picther the products of the company?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student
> In your Internship Report you will NOT include any pictures, images,
> etcetera EXCEPT the scanned copies of the Financial Statements.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480883 Subject: *debt*
> Respected sir, what particular in financial statements of bank used as
> debt. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Total Liabilities = Total Debt.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480882 Subject: *total dividend*
> Respected sir, please tell me can we use (Accumulated losses) /
> Unappropriated profit) as total dividend. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> The value of dividend is provided in the Cash Flow Statement in the third
> head that is financing activities.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480881 Subject: *Net and operating income*
> Respected sir, Please tell me from the following particulars which item is
> used as net income and which is used as operating income. 1) (Loss)/ profit
> before taxation. 2) (loss)/ profit after taxation. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> EBIT = operating income = Mark-up/Return/Interest expensed + Profit before
> taxation.
> Generally, Net income = net income after tax
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480879 Subject: *EPS problem*
> Respected sir, Hope you are fine. Sir please tell me if an organisation
> bear loss rather than profit than how can we calculate the EPS. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> In this case you will calculate the Loss per share NOT the Earnings per
> share ratio.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480877 Subject: *EBIT problem*
> Dear sir, Please tell me what particular is used as the EBIT form the
> followings: 1) Net Mark-up / Interest Income after provisions 2) Total
> non-mark-up / interest income 3) (LOSS) / PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> EBIT = Mark-up/Return/Interest expensed + Profit before taxation.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480827 Subject: *mc090404040-7*
> AOA: Dear sir i cannot understand about hierarchy which you give me
> answer. please tell me clearly that i give the hierarchy of (bank) branch or
> whole organization or both...?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> In *Organizational Hierarchy chart* you are required to provide the
> hierarchy of the branch where you have done your Internship as well as of
> the whole organization. You are required to draw the hierarchy of the
> organization where you have done your Internship in MS Word. Further in this
> hierarchy you are required to mention the designation of the employees only.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480824 Subject: *other asset problem*
> Dear sir, In financial statments of my bank no guidline is provided in the
> regard of other assets whether they are current or long term assets. Please
> sir tell me what i will do in this regard. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> If the Notes to the Financial Statements do NOT specify the time period as
> 3-5 years or long-term then you are required to consider these items as
> current.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480823 Subject: *cgs problem*
> Dear sir, i asked you to about the problem of CGS. because in the ratio
> analysis we also take the gross profit margin. And the formula of gross
> profit margin is Gross profit= sales - cgs / sales Sir please tell me what
> particular in financial statment is used as CGS. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> You will use the simple formula for this ratio that is Gross Profit/Sales
> where Net mark-up/ interest income represents gross profit of the bank.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480951 Subject: *market value of share*
> Respected Sir, kindly tell me which market value of share we should take
> because the market value changes continuously day by day.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> On KSE website, there will be a link "Market information". Click on that
> link. There will be many sub links on that link. Click on historical data
> and take market price of your company from this link. Take closing price
> i.e. the one on 31st December for all three years.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 480948 Subject: *help*
> *Dear Sir:
> Thank you very much. But sir tells me where I discuss the details of these
> products of NBP in report. Please guide me. I think the details of products
> are given in the headings of NBP offerings, services or features.
> And tell me According to report format where I include the products details
> in report and what section under I should mention.
> *
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Mention only the names of the products and services offered by that
> organization. There is no need of writing descriptions and details.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481216 Subject: *Long Term Loan*
> Respected Sir, kindly tell me if the company does not have any long term
> loan payable then how to calculate the Total Capitalization Ratio of the
> company.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> In that case it cannot be calculated. You will be required to give a note
> with that ratio that as Long term debt amount was not available therefore it
> cannot be calculated.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481156 Subject: *debt problem*
> Respected sir, please tell me can we use borrowing as total debt. OR we
> must use Total debt= total liabilities. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Total debt=total liabilities i.e. short term as well as long term
> liabilities
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481357 Subject: *mc090404040-10*
> AOA: Dear sir: in report we made the analysis of SWOT, technical,
> theoretical, horizontal and vertical.....? because in report formate is not
> tell about these all analysis........
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> You are only required to do the ratio analysis. The horizontal, vertical,
> industry and SWOT analyses have been removed from the Internship Report
> Format.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481354 Subject: *mc090404040-9*
> AOA: Dear sir please tell me what is APA in report formate number 16.. and
> what is Annexes in 17 number...?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> The *APA format* is provided for the references/bibliography. The APA format
> specifies the guidelines regarding online resources for annexure or
> bibliography. You are required to follow this format for providing
> reference(s) in your Internship Report.
> *Annexure* means something added at the end, esp. an appendix or
> supplementary document (for example: scanned copies of Financial Statements,
> etcetera).
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481309 Subject: *time interest earned*
> Respected sir, Please tell me if we have loss before taxation than how can
> we calculate the time interest earned. thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> EBIT = Operating Profit = Mark-up/Return/Interest expensed + Profit before
> taxation will be taken in the numerator and Mark-up/Return/Interest expensed
> will be taken in the denominator to calculate times interest earned ratio.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481297 Subject: *long term debt*
> Respected sir, Kindly please tell me sir how can we calculate the long
> term debt. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Bills payable, borrowings will be wholly included in the current
> liabilities. The sub-ordinated loans, other liabilities and deferred tax
> liability represent long term liabilities. You should read the Notes to the
> Financial Statements for the deposits and other accounts.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481283 Subject: *Intern-ship Report*
> Kindly sir tell me how i can submit my intern ship report on-line?
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> You are required to submit your internship report on VU-LMS. For this you
> are required to view the Semester Calendar available in Lesson 2 for the
> last submission date of Internship Report. The Assignment Submission tab on
> VU-LMS will be active 2 weeks prior to this last submission date of
> Internship Report.
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481359 Subject: *Advances*
> Respected Sir, Sir following are the particulars of the deposit and other
> accounts according to my bank financial statements. Fixed deposits Saving
> deposits current deposit (Non remunerative) Margin account Remunerative
> deposits Non remunerative deposits Sir please tell me what particular in
> above of these consider as current. Thank you.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> Fixed deposit Long term liability
> saving deposit current liability (if no description
> given as long term or short term part)
> Remunerative deposit Long term liability
> Non-remunerative deposit current liability
> Student's Message: Msg No. 481358 Subject: *mc090400009*
> Dear sir.
> I have done my intership in intership report formate point 9 I can
> not understand.please tell me i have collect information the whole HBL or
> the specific branch which I done my intership.
> Post Your Comments
> Other Students' Comments: 0
> ------------------------------
> Instructor's Reply:
> Dear Student,
> In all the parts of point 9 of the Internship Report Format you will provide
> the information of the whole bank and in Organizational Hierarchy chart you
> are required to provide the hierarchy of the branch where you have done your
> Internship as well as of the whole organization EXCEPT in sub-point f of
> point 9 of the Internship Report Format you will discuss the branch where
> you have or are doing your Internship.
> --
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