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[vu-students] CS507 -- GDB

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From: Umair Saulat <>
Date: Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:10 PM
Subject: [Pak Youth] CS507 -- GDB
To: pak-youth <>

1. Now invoicing, paying to the suppliers, and purchasing have been distributed to the various distributed center. The company wants a perfect accounting system that maintains consistency of the transactions at all the distributed centers.


The Financial perspective:

ERP keeps the accounting information update. It keeps tracke of payments from the customers as well as scheduled date of payment to suppliers. At any point it can make balance sheet of keeps track of cash flows and fund flows and monitors and anaylsez cash holding , financial deals and investment risk.
2. The business information has been maintained on four different ARE (information systems) creating complexity that's why an integrated solution is required.

The integration of processes:

It provides and integration of supply chain , production and administratirve process This allows the top manager to retrieve the information about any department at click of allows tracking of all information among departments viz production , sales etc

ERP system enters all company data into one centeralized system for example the employees details are shared between HR and finance department.

3. The number of employees has also been increased so it's difficult to keep record of every employee at every location and interacting with them.

The human resource perspective:

It helps in keeping track of each and every employee, it works on a self service model wherein and employee can update all personal information and apply for leave without paper work or having to communicate with HR department.

4. The company needs an online inventory tracking system to interact with 10 distributer centers.


The ERP system is internet enables so one need not be in office or connected to office network with the implementation of ERP there is better coordination among the 10 distirbuted centres

5. As the company has increased its business growth so it also requires a warehouse to take efficient business decisions.


It helps the company  in batter decision making . the MIS reports of ERP help in budgeting setting and achieving the maintain records of goods in warehouse and also track the movement of arranges and also track the delivery of finished goods to customers

6. The main focus of the company is to handle supply chain management efficiently.



ERP system maintains  Supply chains including  the integrated flow of materials within a company it keeps tracks of sequence or chain of activities aimed at successful seving customers and /or markets. Fot this prpose it views chains in company and within companies holistically.

Zindagi mein 2 Logo ka buhat khayal rahkoooo

Ist woh jiss ney tumhari jeet ke Liye buhat kuch hara hoo (Father)

2nd woh jiss ko tum ney har dukh me pukaara hoo (Mother)

Umair Saulat

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Muhammad Afaaq
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