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[vu-students] Declaration of Result of Assignment # 1 and Submission of Assignment # 02 for Revised Internship Report

Dear Students,


The result of the Assignment # 01: Internship Report has been declared. The evaluated internship reports have also been uploaded on the course VULMS. Results of evaluated internship reports have been declared as Pass or Needs Improvement.



The students whose results of Written Work i.e. (internship report) have been declared as Pass should carefully read and follow the comments given in their evaluated internship reports. They should start preparing for presentation & viva voce. Also follow the presentation template to design the presentation power point slides. Assignment # 03 (Presentation Slides) will be opened on the course VULMS on 1st August, 2011. Presentation Slides are required to be prepared in the light of guidelines provided in Lesson # 07 on VULMS of the course. It is COMPULSORY only for the eligible students(who have passed the Written Work as a whole in Assignment # 01). All such students will be intimated about their presentation date & venue individually at their respective VU e-mail IDs. Therefore, they are advised to check their VU e-mail accounts regularly.

Needs Improvement:

The students whose written work in Assignment # 01 i.e. (internship report) has been declared as needs improvements are given one more CHANCE to improve their work by following the comments given by the Supervisor. Assignment# 02 for Revised Internship Report has been opened on the course VULMS.

Assignment# 02 is for below mentioned students ONLY:


Who have completed their internship


Whose Internship Report submitted in assignment #01 Needs Improvement


Who have not submitted Internship Report as yet

Revised Internship Report must be submitted by the above mentioned students against Assignment# 02 before due date: 5th August, 2011.

Make sure no submission will be entertained through E-mail.



·        The students who have been declared "Pass" in the Written Work i.e. "Pass" in assignment # 01 in Spring 2011 Semester are NOT allowed to attempt this assignment. They have already passed the Written Work thus are required to prepare themselves for presentation & viva voce.


·        The students whose results have been declared as Needs Improvement in the Internship Report (Assignment # 1) are NOT required to submit their Presentation Slides against Assignment # 03 that will be opened on 1st August, 2011. They will be required to submit PPTs when they will pass the written work in Assignment # 02. Separate assignment for PPTs will be opened for them after the declaration of Assignment # 02 result.


Best regard's
Muhammad Afaaq

MBA (Finance)

If u like me than raise your hand with me
If not then raise ur standard
That's about me … !

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