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[vu-students] (Afaaq) 2day 10/10/2011 my presentation & viva

Asslam O Alikum

friends i done ma internship from national bank of Pakistan
friends (Afaaq) 2day 10/10/2011 my presentation & viva is excellent
i start my presentation with the name of Allah & Prophet PBUH
than me introduce my self
instructor say start ur slides
than me start slides 1 by 1
than go to training program
instructor explain it than me me rep respected sir in ma training program i work in 5 department these departments are
1. account opening department.
2. credit department
3. cash department
4. remittance departent
5. bill collection department
he says OK tell me some thing about account opening department than me say i work in account opening department in ma internship max period 2 weeks as compare to other dept
i just opened current account in these days but i have also info of fixed deposit dept and P & S dept
ok he says how many money minimum require for opened a account me says its 1000
he says how much minimum balance must be in account i say its 10000 he says good
than he says what is basic req to fill account opening form i tell him 1 by 1
then tell him about kyc and he says the function of kyc and software use in kyc and what is next to kin i explain all 
than he say what is other req than i say ssc sard he says ok
than he says u work in remitance dept me say yes than he says what is demand draft me explain and he says if 1 person is not account holder is it possible bank sent his draft me says yes but bank deduct some charges 
than he says go to ratio analysis
and me start ratios slides he says what is current ratio me explain 
than he says what is acid test ratio me explain than he says what is difference b/w current ratio and acid test ratio than me say current ratio shows liquidity position of business and acid test shows also liquidity position by subtracting prepaid item and inventory
than he say what u subtract me say both he say tell me inventory name me say sir i will see working than tell u and me go to working but  there is no inventory of nbp its only have prepaid item and instructor guide me this me say thanks sir to enhance my knowledge
than he says go to time intrest earned ratio than me explain he says which 1 is good for nbp as compare all three years ratio me say sir 2008 the minimum 1 i jst confuse there bcoz its the bigger 1 not smaller 
than 1 lady says afaaq give some recommendation and me explain 
she says at last afaaq ur presentation i good thanks you means INSHALLAH i pass ma MBA
me lill confuse b4 viva but when i start confidence is automatically built 
so in presentation confidence matter and read ur report training program and also slides me also littely explain all ratios in one lines after name of ratio that also help me in presentation 
and dressing also matter me wear 2 piece and dressed well
best of luck all of u thanks
thanks ma all frnds to support me and pray 4 me Allah bless u all :)

Remember Me in Your Prayers

Best regard's
Ch. Muhammad Afaaq (Arrien)

MBA (Finance) 


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