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::: ::: CS403 Assignment No. 03 Discussion and idea solution

Assignment_File_Spring 2013_CS403_3 Dated: May 15, 13

Dear Students,

               Assignment 3rd of CS403 (Database Management System) has been announced and uploaded on 15th May 2013.  You are required to upload your solution by 21st of May 2013. Read the instructions carefully before solving the assignment and then upload your solution.



Instructor CS403



The top management of the university wants to computerize the university employee's records for security reason. The security information system will comprise of three sub applications.


1.      Fingerprint system (deployed through a biometric device)

2.      Online Employee Record Management (ERM) that will be a web based application deployed on a central server and access able through LAN

3.      Live Activity Monitoring System (LAMS) deployed through security camera (CCTVs) installed on various location in university premises.


Detail of each application is given below:

Fingerprint system:

To achieve this task the management wants to fix an automated fingerprint identification system for employee's attendance. This system automatically matches fingerprints against a database of known prints. Attendance system uses biometrics to guarantee the accuracy in reporting. Attendance system works by having an employee place their finger on a small scanner upon entering and exiting the office, the attendance record is stored in the database. This information can later be checked by the management to track the employee's check in, checkout times and location as well.

Online ERM:

To guarantee security, the employee's are provided with a web account. Employees are provided with the user name and password so that no one can access his / her record. Using their account, employees can mark attendance, apply for leave, apply for loan, manage his/her bank account or see salary slip. Employee can also generate a new password by using the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page.

Live Activity Monitoring System (LAMS):

To better enhance the security system, management wants to install the security cameras to monitor the employee's activities more closely, to keep an eye on precious assets and properties of the university. With the help of security cameras unauthorized and illegal activities are controlled. The security cameras capture images and record videos. These records are stored in the database.  The management can view all the details about their employees at any time to monitor the productivity and job related skills of employees. Further than case use the information to ensure that he/she might not indulge in any immoral activities.

Note that all the three applications share a central database (as shown in figure-1), deployed on a dedicated database server.










Task Description:


Task-1: [Marks: 10]

You are required to pick one super type/subtype relationship from the above given scenario. Show what type of constraint (Total completeness or partial completeness) exists in the given super type/subtype relationship. Draw the corresponding diagram showing entities, their attributes and relationship.


Task-2: [Marks 10]

Draw cross reference matrix of reports (atleast three) along with their attributes from the above given scenario.


Note: In Task 2 you have to draw cross reference matrix for atleast three we reports.






Good Luck

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