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::: ::: CS504 Assignment No. 02 Discussion and solution

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Assignment No. 02
Semester Spring 2013
Software Engineering I – CS504
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 15-05-2013
The objective of this assignment is:
  To increase your level of understanding about use-case model and mapping  requirements to use-case
  To help you understand how to develop context diagram.
Please read the following instructions carefully before assignment submission.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  The assignment is submitted after due date.
  The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  The assignment is plagiarized. 
  The assignment should be in .doc format. Assignment in any format other than MS Word format will not
be accepted.
  Assignment submitted through email will not be accepted.
  This assignment is covering Use case Model and Software Design Lectures 6-12.
  Recall the lectures delivered for Software Design and Use Case Diagram and solve your assignment
For any query about the assignment, contact at
Project Description:
"ABC" is a worldwide company whose branches are situated all over the world. "ABC" needs an online
virtual drive for storage of its important data over  the web so that data can be accessible at any branch.   They
face a lot of problems due to distributed data so they demand an online virtual drive that is web based application
which can manage their data problems.  Online Virtual Drive will be a Web based application that will help users
to store their important data on an online virtual disk drive that will act as similar to our hard disk. All the
directories and files would be viewed as similar as we are viewing them on our personal computer's hard drive.
There will be two types of users other than the administrator. Anonymous User and Registered User. 
         Online Virtual Drive application will have a user-friendly interface. It will fulfill all the user and business
requirements of the ABC Company. It will also provide required reports efficiently to the management and will
help them in decision making. Anonymous user can access to Help Section, Tell a Friend Section, FAQ Section,
About Us Section, Feedback Section and Registration or Sign Up page. 
         An  anonymous user will fill the whole Registration form and will submit it to the administrator.
Administrator of the system will have the right to approve or disapprove the user. When Administrator will
approve the space requested by Anonymous user and verify all the information provided by Anonymous user in
his/her registration form then a confirmation email will be sent to that Anonymous user which  will  become
Registered User. Registered User on approval by administrator first has to login, to use the various functionalities
of the system. User can upload files, delete, move and copy/paste files in directories/folders on system. User can
make as many directories on system till his/her quota of space is not exceeded.
By Considering the above scenario you are required to draw 
1)  Use-Case diagram for the given Online Virtual Drive System.                                                    10 Marks               
2)  Context diagram (level-0) for the given Online Virtual Drive System.                                        10 Marks
o  Assignment should not be copied from net, handouts, books or any fellow.
o  Solution should be "Precise".

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