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Re: )))))))Vu & Company((((((( help needed for STA630

STA630' 2010(Collection of Subjective)

1) Involvement with deviants is the Ethical dilemmah of filed Research how would explain (Marks 3) Pag.140 Ch.39

2) How Researchers locate evidence in historical comparative research (Marks 3) Ch.No. 41

3) Does historical comparative Research follow scientific approach or not Discuss (Marks 5) Ch.No. 41

4) Briefly explain the important of measurement and coding in non Research with the help of example (Marks 5) Pag.99 Ch.29

5) What are the advantages of cluster sampling (Marks 5) Pag.94 Ch.28

6) Do u explain inferences from non-reactive data by using secondary survey data 3 (page No.129, Ch#37)

7) Research process, once u collect the data how u would perform the scoring index activity 3 marks (Page No.103 Ch#30)

8) 51) Would u explain spontaneity and confession by using secondary data? Give example each 5 marks Pag 129. Ch.37

9) Do u know about number and duration in FDG discussion 5 marks

10) Suggest the appropriate data collection tool that can be used by the research organization. Give the solid rationale for your answer.

11) What is bracketing with regard to Historical comparative research? Ch.40 & 41

12) How would you differentiate accretion and count behaviors in Non Reactive Research? Pag.124. Ch.36

13) Treatment of Independent variable? Ch.06

14) Pretest and posttest experimental and control ***** design? Pag.118, Ch.34
15) How researchers locate evidence in HCR? Pag.142, Ch.40

16) How would you differentiate between History Effect and Mechanical Loss in Experimental research? Pag.120. Ch.

17) Write a note on any three varieties of non reactive observations. Pag#124 Ch:36

18) How would you differentiate between Frequency Distribution Table and Bivariate Table? Pag#105 Ch:31

19) Being a researcher, how would you criticize the use of Secondary Data in research? Ch#37

20) What are different measures of central tendency are used define each.Pag#105

21) What are the functions of recorders?

22) What is the different ethical issue related to validity Ch#13

23) what do u kno abt content analysis?-3 Pag#125 Ch#36

24) Historical Comparative Research depends upon some factors. list down those?- Ch#40

25) Using APA style, describe qutations, i-e what is their format in writting a litrature view?- Ch#45

26) Parts of executive summary 5marks Pag#161

27) Parts of research report 3marks Pag#28

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Aisha Ashi <> wrote:
frends i want answers of the following questions. .plzz anyone help me

1-Being a researcher how would you criticize the use of secondary data
in research.

2-difference b/w frequency distribution table and bivariate table.

3-write a note on three varities of non-reactive observations.

4- Repart building is the essence of getting true responses of the
respondents. Explain briefly. 3 marks

 5-Why is it important to know organization's history

 6-Is problem dafination is critical than problem solution,discus

7-Researchers interviewed a group of people in a specific room. They
were told that only their interaction with each other and their point
of views on a specific issue are being studied but in fact high
frequency sound waves were passed through that room and their effect
on human behavior was being observed.

       Answer the following questions:

       Is it an act of deception? Give reason for your choice.

       Do you think it was necessary to deceive the respondent in this experiment?

       What can the researcher do after the completion of research to
rectify the damage done to the respondents?

8- what do you mean by measurable & describe its elements.  3marks

9 -Make a composite measure & a questionnaire having 52 Q's with three
scales & 20 negative statements.   3marks

10--Goodwill of the sponsoring agency can increase the response rate
but may bias the respondents. Elaborate.

11-Develop and name the type of measuring instrument you would use to
tap the following
       "Among the three types of exams – multiple choice, essay type, and a
mix of both - , which is the one preferred most by students"

12-What are the ethics related to literature review?

13-Why primarily research is use in self administered questionnaire? (3 Marks)

14- Rational scale?

15-How articles in literature refined your search 5marks

16-Read the following situation and state  one testable hypothesis in
the null and the alternate.
a school administrator is interested in finding how the teachers
strike can be avoided.he knows that pay demands and class rooms'
physical envoirment are two  main issues in the
situation.he,however,feels that these two are not major concerns for
the teachers who are extremely dedicated to teaching.

17-A research was conducted by education department to see the impact
of strict teaching practices on the rate of failure among the
1)identify dependent and independent variables.
2)classify this research according to the purpose of doing
research,exploratory,descriptive or explanatory.explain your choice.
3)classify this research according to the use of research,basic or
applied.explain your choice.

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