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Re: )))))))Vu & Company((((((( TRIBUTE TO HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN R.A

Dear all,

I am 100% with you. anyone who share their personal believe should care in the sense that......

I think we are all student of virtual university regardless of any relation to a specific frame of thinking. We most of the time join groups just for the sake of knowledge or to share experience or to get help from each other specially when studying from home. Then what does it mean these forums (I am 100% sure made for study related matters) are used by some our beloved brothers and sisters to promote their guts of religion. I am in many groups and from 4 yrs getting lot of emails just pertaining to some religion. That is irritating sometimes in the sense that they are specific to a community.

I m not specific to any community (All shia, sunni, wahabi etc.....) Why they do this. E.g. IN this discucssion what is start.....One said R.A and the other said say A.S. Baray dil ki bat to ya thi....the persoan can say ok...for you A.s and for us r.a...or I m with the thought that these should not be shared in these groups...There are lot of groups...even on facebook. Lets join them, discuss there, show ur ahadees there...your opinion there. NP.

In our sects Ahlaybait are the BEST from Adam to the last man of earch. (Ya wo log hain jin par KHuda Ki Namtain hain aur inn kay rastay par chalnay ki doowa ham her nimaz ki her rikat main parhtay hain---Keep in logo ka rasta...) So when u said u will show etc if you again find anyone to saying abuse to Khufay Rashdeen. Similarly, we think the same when we heard or read anything not related to our sect.

The best way is we all and i advice to new commers specially, and asking to moderators of vu related goups to ban these types of things....NO ONE NEVER heard the other sects thing ever from 1400 yrs. Hazaron kitabain, hazaron bahsain, hazaro hakoomtain, hazaro maloooktain.....but....the problem is still there....

Ham tum ko nahi mantay, tum ham ko na mano.....

But regardless of every thing....Why these dicussion become the prominat part during muharram....Muharram main to islam say pahlay bhi larai jhagray band thay....aur 1400 saal kay bad bhe ham wohe kuch kar rahay hain..

Kabhi pani peenay pilanay pay jhagra
Kabhi ghora agay barhanay pay jhagra 

Agar khatamul nabeeen na aa chukay hotay to ajj kay dor main main samjhta kay phir kisis ki zaroorat hay......

But anyway.....kal akhir paper hay and i have to study and u konw now a days we have to do EBADAT for morning last but not least.....

Lets just end the problem, we should say to moderator to close all types of religion emails....only vu, study related emails should be entertain for other things anyone can make a new groups i think gorup bananay par koi pabandi to nahi....and can ask to their related community person to come and share whatever their sect permit.

Thanks to be coool in the start of you email and re-thanks to be angry in the last..You should and every responsible person should but Ham jo apnay leeay sochtay hain...wo he dosro kay leeay sochna chaheeay....

Wishing all of the groups member best luck and pray God shold show us those fro whome we have to follow the path.

Best Regards,

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