hello all
i am rizwana,an overseas student,,also interested in management specialization.please keep in this loop....want to be in touch with you guys who are interested in this field...
rizwana inayat
-- i am rizwana,an overseas student,,also interested in management specialization.please keep in this loop....want to be in touch with you guys who are interested in this field...
rizwana inayat
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Rizwan Siddiqui <mc100200907@vu.edu.pk> wrote:
I will also do specilization is Management InshALLAH.
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Admin Askari <vuaskarihelpline110@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear HRM and management have same skills, so I did not mention it. By the way my name is Iftikhar Naqvi. Though it does not matter if you keep thinking of me as Hafiz Salman, so is my honour. Good luck for your specialization.
On 6 March 2011 00:50, Silent Noise <sillysensitive@gmail.com> wrote:
Assalamualaikum All Dear FellowsDear I have read much about student who are interesting in Finance,HRM,Marketing & Banking.But there is also one field of specialization which is "Management".But no one is interesting in that specialization?What is the reason?even our respected fellow Hafiz Salman didn't mention it in his specialization guiding mail.So will any body guide me about this specialization?is any other body interested in that field?So Plz let me know.I m from FSD VU Civil line campus.So if any body is interested contact me as soon as possible so we may decide our field.thanks--
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Admin Askari
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