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On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Shahzad Sadiq <lushahz@gmail.com> wrote:
--On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 7:47 PM, TAnzeela NAz <mc120201969@gmail.com> wrote:
student long qs sare programming k the overloading operators k 3 qs or ek or tha programmin overloading operator - and * and *= ka complex class function ka code tha ...and 2 marks wale..1) can we create Array of objects? give reason2) friend class can be cause of "Programming bugs"?baki sare programming k qs theAnother paper...........My Today's PaperMost of Mcq's were from past papers... specially topics aggregation, encapsulation, specialization and composition....total 20 MCQ's and 2 questions of 2 marks and 2 questions of 3 marks and 2 questions of 5 marksCoding is required to solve the paper....Gud Luck All.... And also pray for my papers :)Another paper.....................1- write 4 operators which can be overloaded.2- why we use protective specifiers?sorry gys i didn't note the code so i forgot you should practice how to implement code and write textual form for any Object Model...best of luck for all and need prays..........RegardssAnother paper............mostly question were based on static variableoperator overload + and - also
Another paper.............kal mera OOP ka pap tha..20 mcqz thy..kuch past papers ma sy b thy..2 marks k Q aya the k hum insertion or extraction operator over loading k liy friend function Q use krty han..subscript operator or assignment operator ki over loading ka code likna tha..Or aik uni ka objection model banana tha with aggregation and composition batani the..Another paper..................MCQPolymorphismClass fredHow to improve variable ageAbstractionencapsulationdata hidingsubscriptconstructor with different signaturesubjective1.1. Crs1, Crs2.Crs3 compiler function over loading2. inialisation list opposed to assignment constructor two cases--
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