::: vuaskari.com ::: Re: ::::::||VU_Askari(MIT)||:::::: Download Midterm Material of your Subject HERE
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Ali Khann <ddrc14@gmail.com> wrote:
--find subject past papers bellow and just click:
- AskariTeam
- Find Your Course Here
- Accounting, Banking and Finance
- ACC311 ( Fundamentals of Auditing )
- ACC501 (Business Finance )
- FIN611 (Advanced Financial Accounting)
- FIN621 (Financial Statement Analysis)
- FIN622 (Corporate Finance)
- FIN623 (Taxation Management)
- FIN630 (Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management)
- MGT101 (Financial Accounting)
- MGT201 (Financial Management)
- MGT401 (Financial Accounting II)
- MGT402 (Cost and Management Accounting)
- MGT411 (Money & Banking)
- Computer Science/Information Technology
- CS101 (Introduction to Computing)
- CS201 (Introduction to Programming)
- CS301 (Data Structure)
- CS302 (Digital Logic Design)
- CS304 (Object Oriented Programming)
- CS401 (Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming)
- CS403 (Database Management Systems)
- CS504 (Software Engineering – I)
- CS507 (Information Systems)
- CS601 Past papers
- IT430 (E-Commerce)
- Economics
- English
- Humanities Distribution
- Law
- Management
- Marketing
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Statistics
for more info Visit www.vuaskari.com/index.php
Ali Khan * ©yberian *
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Ali Khan * ©yberian *
We say, "Be one as Pakistani Nation and grow up for Pakistan's Future". Wish you all the best. Join www.vuaskari.com,
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