What is the new Structure ? On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 11:32 PM, ali muaaz < alimuaaz1@gmail.com > wrote: I also protest agaist this structure. i request u to all plz participate in this compaign. Dear Sirs / VU Authorities, I humbly request you to not change the fee structure especially for the Local Students. Paying monthly 2000 is very reasonable and approachable for almost all the students. This was very wise and Education friendly step was taken by VU and was really appreciated. Now you are taking your step back that will effect the future of numerous Students and this will be seeing & taken as Education & Student against policy of VU. Please Give convenience to Students it will give Success to VU. VU is student oriented University, making it business oriented will be quite harmful for both VU and students. We all the student will appreciate if VU keep the same fee structure. Kindly maintain and protract VU's Euducation and Students frie...
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