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Showing posts from April 2, 2014

::: ::: Blood Bank - Personal Request - Gazambo United

Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s),   It would be highly appreciated if you could assist us with our cause to build a contact database for blood distribution when need be. If possible, please take a few minutes to contact your friends, family and colleagues via whatever means is convenient e.g. call, text, email, facebook, twitter etc. to record as many contacts as possible.   Attached is the actual spreadsheet, kindly fill and return to with the subject as: Gazambo United   Notes:   1.     All information will remain confidential and will only be used in case of emergency i.e. if anyone's life is in trouble. 2.     Try your utmost to have your contacts also compile a database and when ready emailed to me directly. a.     This is not a competition, hence it is requested you send what little you have in the shortest time possible as someone may just be in need. b.     This is no joke. Only accurate information is requested. Otherwise opt out withou...