Please find attached CS604 Materials for Final TERM On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:40 PM, manoo < > wrote: please share past pprx of cs604..jazaki'Allah On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Umair Saulat < > wrote: FINAL TERM PAPER FALL SEMESTER 2012 DATED 25 TH FEB , 2013 ATTEMPT BY SYED M. UMAIR SAULAT NORTH NAZIMAAD CAMPUS TOTAL 80 MARKS TIME 2 HOURS SOME MCQS FROM PAST PAPERS AND SOME ARE NEW SUBJECTIVE QNo.1 Difference between Semi-structure interview and conducting interview QNo.2 what is Scope Plane in context of elements of usability Qno.3 You are a software engineer and design different applications that are usable for users without modifications, in term of usability and safety. Qno.4 Suppose you are an HCI specialist, what do you think that evaluation of design or product is beneficial? Justify your point of view ...
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