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Re: )))))))Vu & Company((((((( Re: ::::|| VU Askari ||:::: sta301 mid fall 2010 08-12-2010

total 26 question thay

1-difference in pointer and veriable?
2-differenc in tellg() and tellp()
3-why we close a file after use?
call by value and call by reference?
ye short questio thy baaqi mcq,z thy

20 mcqs thay

1. give one use of pointer
2. bubble sort
3. what happened when we increment pointer
4. basic steps for file handling
5. which function is used in read/write while handling files

CS201 Introduction To Computing
My today's Subjective Paper ( Mid Term 2010)

Q: What operator do you use to assign a pointer the address of another variable or constant? (2marks)

Q: Identify each of the following function as string conversion function or string manipulating function;
• bouble atof (const char *nptr)
• char *strcpy (char *s1,const char *s2)
• ------------------------------
--------I forgot this one (2 marks)

Q: What happens when we increment a pointer? (3 marks)

Q: Can you use an assignment operator to assign the value of one C-string to another? (3 marks)

Q: What is the purpose and syntax of the const keyword? (5 marks)

Q: What will be the output of the following;
#include <iostream.h>
using name space std:
union Num
int Value I;
float Value F;
double ValueD;
char Value C;
Void main ()
// Optional unionkeyword
// Value I = 100
NumTestValue = {100};
cout << \ nInteger = "<< TestVal.ValueI<<endl;
TestVal.Value F = 2.123;
cout << "Float=" << TestVal.ValueF<<endl;
cout<<"Uninitialzed double = "<<TestVal.Val D<< endl;
cout<<"Some rubbish???"<<endl;
TestVal.Value C = 'U';
cout<<"character = '<< TestVal.Value<<endl;
} (5 marks)


today 6-12-2010 paper of cs201

paper was very easy with following discriptive questions.

1. difference between single dimentional array and multidimentional array
2. difference between a and a[10]
3. write a program to ask user for input and until the input is not equal to 'q' or 'Q' repeat asking for input.
4. which Functions used to read/write more than a single character or a single line while using Files?

5. What is difference B/W tellf() and tellp() difference in tellg() and tellp()

objective from past papers... subjective questions which i remem were like:

Q: multi dimensional array of 2 rows. assign first index of both rows '2'
Q: print the diagonal elements of a n-dimensional matrix

*~ WS ~*
*~ Devil Jin ~*
Bscs 4th Semester *

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:47 AM, mc100204328 Muhammad Asad Khan <> wrote:
CS201 latest paper required.plz help me any one .give me a the latest
paper of cs201.bcz towmorow is my paper of this subject.plz help me

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