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::::IIVU ASKARII:::: MCM 301 final term subjective 2011

MCM301 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Total 69 questions . 62 mcqs.
important elements used in closing direct inquiry letters. ( 3 marks)
What is memo? ( 3 marks)
what are indirect inquiry letters? ( 3 marks)
Reservation letter and its Plan .. ( 5 marks)
Five planning stages of writing a letter. ( 5 marks)
what is the basic purpose of memo.? ( 5 marks)
what is topical order ? explain with example. ( 5 marks)

Another Paper:

Total Questions: 69 or 59, I thing 69 
60 or 50 (1 marks) + 3(2 marks) + 3(3marks) + 3(5marks)
30-60 mcqs were really tough. Dimag kharab krne walay?
Subjective kafi easy tha agr sb lectures ek dafa sunay ho to?

1. What do you know about the Letters of Congratulations? (3)
2. Semantics to build credibility of persuasive messages? (3)
3. What are Non-necessary elements of Business Letters? (3)
4. What is Postscript of Business letters? (5)
5. Refusal of refunding? (5)
6. Writing Résumés? (2)

Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain
Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah ast Hussain
Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazeed,
Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain


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