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Re: *~* VuPak2009 *~* The Acceptable Action !!


On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:34 PM, W@SF- <> wrote:

It is easy for one to talk about righteous deeds and actions and all required steps to achieve them. Yet in today's society and busy life and lack of time to focus, one may need more details and specific directions and activities to guide him through this great journey.

Before you take a single step - My Brothers and Sisters in Islam - it is vital for you to be acquainted with the path in which your deliverance lies. Do not make yourself exhausted by performing many actions. Perhaps the one who does many actions, does not gain anything but tiredness from them in this world and punishment in the hereafter[1]. Allah the Exalted said (which means):

And We shall turn to whatever actions they did and make them into scattered dust[2]

He also said (which means):

It is he who created life and death to see which of you is best in action[3]

Therefore, know before everything else the necessary conditions for actions before they are accepted. It is vital that two great and important matters are fulfilled for every action. If they are not,then action will not be accepted.

The First: That the one who performed the action desired nothing but did it only for the sake  of Allah .

The Second: That the action is in agreement with what Allah the Exalted has legislated in His Book or His Messenger has explained in his sunnah.

Fudayl ibn Ayyaad, a taabi'ee, said regarding the verse {...that He may test you, which of you is best in deeds...} [11:7], "The most sincere and the most correct" so those who were around him said "And what is the most sincere and the most correct?" He replied "Action, if it is correct but not sincere will not be accepted and action, if it is sincere but not correct will not be accepted until it is both sincere and correct. Sincere means that nothing but its done for the sake of Allah only and correct means that it is in conformity with the Sunnah."

And some of the Salaf used to say: There is no action, even if it is insignificant , except that it will have two questions put to it: Why did you do it? and: How did you do it?

The first question is about the reason for the action and its motive. If the motive was for an objective from among the objectives of the world such as seeking praise or status or any other worldly aim, it is an evil action and will be thrown back at its performer. If the motive for the action was to fulfil the right of Allah of pure enslavement to Him and seeking a means of nearness to Him then it is a good action and will be accepted InshaAllah.

The second question is about the following and imitation of the Messenger . Was the action from amongst the legislated actions or was it from your innovation and invention? If it was from the guidance of the Messenger then it is an evil action and will not be accepted from its performer as is proven in the Hadeeth of Aa'ishah who said: then it is a good action and if it was in opposition to the practice of the Messenger. The Messenger of Allah said (which means): "Whoever introduces into this affair of ours something that does not belong to it will have it rejected."[4] And she also reports that the Messenger of Allaah said: "Whoever does an action which we have not commanded will have it rejected."[5]

When one of the above two conditions is not fulfilled the action is neither righteous nor acceptable. The saying of the Exalted provides evidence for this (which means):

"And whoever places his hope in the meeting with His Lord let him work righteous deeds and in the worship of His Lord, associate none as a partner."[6]

Allah, the Sublime has commanded in this verse that the action should be righteous meaning,in agreement with the Sharee'ah.Then He commanded that the person should make it sincerely for Allah, desiring by it nothing besides Him.

Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (RH) said: These are the two pillars of the accepted action. It is necessary that the action is sincerely for Allah and also correct, upon the Sharee'ah of the Messenger of Allah . The likes of this has also been reported from al-Qaadi Ayyaad - May Allah have mercy upon Him - and others.

Allah the Exalted also said (which means):

Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For Allah did take Abraham for a friend.[7]

Allah informs us clearly in the Quran that each person's destination in this world and the hereafter is according to their belief in the oneness of God as well as righteous or evil deeds that they have done.

He has allowed humans to choose what they wished and likewise warned them of the consequences of their wrong decisions and actions.

The meaning of submitting only for the sake of Allah is: Making one's intention and action for Allah, and the meaning of doing good is: Imitating and following the Messenger's Sunnah.


1 This is illustrated in Prophet's saying: "Perhaps a fasting person obtains nothing from his fasting but hunger and one who stands during the night in prayer nothing but tiredness." Reported by Ibn Majah from Abu Hurairah and Shaikh Al-Albaanee declared it to be authentic in his Saheeh ul-Jaami', no. 3482.

2 Surah Furqaan 25:23

3 Surah Mulk 67:2

4 Reported by Muslim

5 Reported by Muslim

6 Surah Kahf 18:110

7 Surah Nisaa 4:125
"Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and anything We may have done that transgressed our duty: Establish our feet firmly, and help us against those that resist Faith." Ameen Ya Rabbal A'lameen!!!

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