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Re: ::::IIVU ASKARII:::: MBA without good spoken skills?

I think this is an assumption and proved incorrect in all corners of life. Reconcile please.

On 17 March 2011 15:24, mc090401776 Sheeba Abbasi <> wrote:
First of all, there's no need of English when you are on Finance side, it is more needed in Marketing, Management and may be few others. For finance, we need better concepts, which has nothing to do with the proper English. But, yes; English is always a tool of success when you go on the management side of any field. For a manager, English not being good creates a hurdle in most of the situations although he/she is well versed in the concepts of the related field. But, English still comes as the secondary option; concepts and knowledge of the subject being at the top. A person can however, always overcome his/her shortcomings (many if not all) with this tool.

Secondly, English being necessary for every person especially in our country; we should create a group or thread for the people who are interested to learn/improve this language; this will most probably be beneficial for most of us. 

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 1:51 PM, mc090407125 Nadia Ashraf <> wrote:
ONE more suggestion from my side is that listen english songs and at the same time read their lyrics..then sing it with the mute video of that song.... secondly give preferance to watch those movies or videos, in which their dialogues are also translating in english (appear at the bottom in most videos / movies)... dear student it really works for me.. also watch english documentay movies etc.. its not funny it really works...:)
and yeah dnt feel shy while talking in english with others, try to speak humbly and slowly, u cant make yourself a perfect english speaking guy in one day so never try to speak it fastly and wrongly..
yeah some students can write english well but cant speak it properly that is just becuase of hesistation like what people will think about me if i speak one have enough time to think for others so dnt care or dont make it your weakness...please avoid such type of feelings...more or less try to speak in english...BEST OF LUCK...:)

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Sheeba Abbasi
ID: mc090401776

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