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Re: ::: ::: Job Confirmation Letter for Oversease Students

Muhammad OWais and other Fellows

Still any body can send JCL from Pakistan or abroad if he previously
cannot send do not stop in my opinion must send again 2-3 day late
never mind as only VU want to confirm the real position of the student
that he is working. As in my case from Pakistan Instructor told that
through courier VU accept 2-3 days late JCL. See Below

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: FIN619 FIN619 <>
To: mc090400185 Sheikh Javaid Ijaz <>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: JCL Deliver issue - LAST DATE

Dear Student!

You can delver letter personally in head office, address of which is
available there on VULMS. Properly enclose letter in the envelop,
mention complete address on letter and also your name and student id
also on letter. So that there will be no Chance of lost.

But one or two days delay will be acceptable by us in case, it could
not be submitted to head office personally but posted.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 1:44 AM, mc090400185 Sheikh Javaid Ijaz
<> wrote:
Dear Sir,

Can I personally deliver the JCL at given address by you, as by post
it will be met tomorrow. My office is Guard Rice, 8km Raiwin Road,
Lahore very near from University. I have to be take JCL today from
General Manager when office open. Need Urgent response as today is
Last Date.

Please Guide.

Thanking you.

Sh. Javaid Ijaz

Instructor FIN619

2011/4/23 Owais Owais <>:
> السلام وعليكم ورحمة الله وبراكاته
> Dear Brothers,
>           few days back i also submitted my JCL letter through office ID but
> it does not have domain so they return my mail and told me that send through
> your company domain otherwise it will never be accepted. Later I went my
> another branch they had one id with domain i send them my JCL via this ID
> after 1 day they given reply your letter has received but we will intimate
> you later it is accepted or rejected.
> Muhammad Owais
> MBA 4th Sem (Finance)
> Overseas Std, VU Pakistan
> Dubai, UAE
> --
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