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The forecasting time horizon that would typically be easiest to predict would be: | |||||||||||||
Select correct option: | |||||||||||||
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Productivity refers to the ratio of output to input, in your views what are the measures by which productivity can be increased?
Select correct option:
Inputs increase while outputs remain the same
Outputs decrease while inputs remain the same
Inputs and outputs increase proportionately
Inputs decrease while outputs remain the same
Four important pillars capital, quality, ______ and technology. are responsible for positively as well as negatively affecting on the Productivity of the organization.
Select correct option:
Which one of the following forecasting techniques is used to identify a trend when data is neither growing nor declining rapidly and has no seasonal characteristics.
Select correct option:
Simple moving average
Delphi method
Trend adjusted forecast
Naïve forecast
Which one of the following reasons account for using moving average in forecasting?
Select correct option:
It eliminates the trend
It smoothes the random fluctuations
It counteracts the seasonal variations
It approximates the period average
Parabolic, exponential and growth are element of:
Select correct option:
Linear trends
Non linear Trends
Forecast accuracy
None of the aboveOn Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:30 PM, Admin Askari <vuaskarihelpline110@gmail.com> wrote:
Dua any ref please?
2011/4/22 ∂υα ωαqαя <dua4566@gmail.com>
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 08:48:04 AM )
The method that considers several variables related to the variable being predicted is:
Select correct option:
Exponential smoothing
Weighted moving average
Multiple regressions
Moving average
2011/4/22 ∂υα ωαqαя <dua4566@gmail.com>
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:07 AM, sahar raza <zanibraza@gmail.com> wrote:
Flexible operations comes under the example of:Tactics
Select correct option:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Admin Askari <vuaskarihelpline110@gmail.com> wrote:
Here are the correct replies of these MCQs confirmed so add to file:
Which one of the following is used to generate consensus forecast?
Select correct option:
Delphi method
Time series method
Exponential smoothing
Associative model
Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 08:50:13 AM ) Total Marks: 1
Parabolic, exponential and growth are element of:
Select correct option:
Linear trends
Non linear Trends
Forecast accuracy
None of the above
Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 08:50:13 AM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following correctly explains the elements of a good forecast?
Select correct option:
Timely, having a purpose, accurate, written, reliable, meaningful
Timely, accurate, judgmental, correctness, verbal, simple to use
Timely, accurate, reliable, meaningful, written, simple to use
Timely, accurate, reliable, consistent, meaningful, written, simple to use
I could not find this so please comment:
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 08:48:04 AM )
The method that considers several variables related to the variable being predicted is:
Select correct option:
Exponential smoothing
Weighted moving average
Multiple regressions
Moving average
On 22 April 2011 10:48, sahar raza <zanibraza@gmail.com> wrote:--mughy to in k ans ya lay hain ager kisi ko koi or lagty hain to comment plzThe method that considers several variables related to the variable being predicted is:3 option(Multiple regressions)
Parabolic, exponential and growth are element of:
Forecast accuracy---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MUHAMMAD SARIM <sarim.sarwar@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: ::: vuaskari.com ::: MGT613 Online Quiz#1...Lecture#1 to 13...Solved By Askari Team....
To: vuaskari_com@googlegroups.com
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:02 AM, solid ego <solid.ego@gmail.com> wrote:
thanx dear brother!!!
we all students miss u a lot!!!
On 4/21/11, Hafiz Salman Majeed <hafiz.salman.majeed1@gmail.com> wrote:
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Admin Askari
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"Listen to everyone and Learn from everyone
becauseNobody knows everything but everyone knows something"
Admin Dua Waqar (MBA Finance)
[CS507, MKT501 , FIN623 , FIN630 , FINI619, MGT613]
"Listen to everyone and Learn from everyone
becauseNobody knows everything but everyone knows something"
Admin Dua Waqar (MBA Finance)
[CS507, MKT501 , FIN623 , FIN630 , FINI619, MGT613]
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RegardsмєЋαя α§αÐMBA 4th FinanceSialkot
--We say, "Be one as Pakistani Nation and grow up for Pakistan's Future". Wish you all the best. Join www.vuaskari.com,
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