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[vu-students] Mgt 201 current quiz solved by Afaaq

Mgt 201 current quiz solved by Afaaq



Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 08:23:19 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Who determine the market price of a share of common stock? 

Select correct option: 


 The board of directors of the firm


 The stock exchange on which the stock is listed


 The president of the company


 Individuals buying and selling the stock




Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 08:23:45 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

An investment proposal should be judged in whether or not it provides: 

Select correct option: 


 A return equal to the return require by the investor

 A return more than required by investor

 A return less than required by investor

 A return equal to or more than required by investor




Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 08:24:06 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

How "Shareholder wealth" is represented in a firm? 

Select correct option: 


 The number of people employed in the firm     

 The book value of the firm's assets less the book value of its liabilities

 The market price per share of the firm's common stock


 The amount of salary paid to its employees




Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 08:24:29 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

The return in excess to risk free rate that investors require for bearing the market risk is known as: 

Select correct option: 


 Default risk premium

 Sovereign Risk Premium

 Market risk premium

 Maturity risk premium




Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 08:24:53 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

In the dividend discount model, _______ which of the following are not incorporated into the discount rate? 

Select correct option: 


 Real risk-free rate 

 Risk premium for stocks 

 Return on assets 

 Expected inflation rate 




Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 08:25:06 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following equation is NOT correct? 

Select correct option: 


 Gross Revenue – Admin & Operating Expenses = Operating Revenue

 Other Expenses + Other Revenue = EBIT

 EBIT – Financial Charges & Interest = EBT

 Net Income – Dividends = Retained Earning




Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 08:25:27 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following would be considered a cash-flow item from an "operating" activity? 

Select correct option: 


 Cash outflow to the government for taxes


 Cash outflow to shareholders as dividends


 Cash inflow to the firm from selling new common equity shares


 Cash outflow to purchase bonds issued by another company




Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 08:25:40 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

As interest rates go up, the present value of a stream of fixed cash flows _____. 

Select correct option: 


 Goes down


 Goes up


 Stays the same


 Can not be found from the given information




Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 08:25:51 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Choose among the followings, the correct statement regarding every journal entry. 

Select correct option: 


 Sum of Debits = Sum of Credits

 Sum of Debits >Sum of Credits

 Sum of Debits < Sum of Credits

 None of the given options




Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 08:26:18 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

To increase a given future value, the discount rate should be adjusted __________. 

Select correct option: 






 First upward and then downward 

 None of the given options




Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 08:26:31 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

What is the long-run objective of financial management? 

Select correct option: 


 Maximize earnings per share


 Maximize the value of the firm's common stock

 Maximize return on investment


 Maximize market share




Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 08:26:50 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is NOT the type of Hybrid organizations? 

Select correct option: 


 S-Type Corporation

 Limited Liability Partnership

 Sole Proprietorship

 Professional Corporation




Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 08:27:06 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is NOT an example of a financial intermediary? 

Select correct option: 


 Wisconsin S&L, a savings and loan association


 Strong Capital Appreciation, a mutual fund


 Microsoft Corporation, a software firm


 College Credit, a credit union





Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 08:27:26 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following value of the shares changes with investor's perception about the company's future and supply and demand situation? 

Select correct option: 


 Par value 

 Market value 

 Intrinsic value 

 Face value 





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 08:27:38 AM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following are known as Discretionary Financing? 

Select correct option: 


 Current liabilities

 Current assets

 Fixed assets

 Long-term liabilities





Remember Me In Your Prayers
Best regard's
Muhammad Afaaq
MBA 4th (Final Semester) Finance Group
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