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Re: ::: ::: cs614 gdb

for idea

Data warehousing focuses almost exclusively on data definition and analysis, and data retrieval which is kept in what is known as a data warehouse. This focus is on a broader range of data than an operating system and works continuously as opposed to an operating system which requires a human interface to perform the tasks.

A data warehousing system for business gathers its information from various resources, including web data mining programs. This makes the business person's life much easier. Rather than being forced to purchase and implement various tracking programs that are often viewed with hostility by private computer users; a business can subscribe to a data mining business program and let it do the work.

Data warehousing business uses have existed in one form or another since the invention of the computer though the data warehouse idea hadn't been fully formed. Remember the movies that showed a single computer taking up a whole room and giving an answer to a question in about four times the amount time a person could find it on their own? Those huge contraptions were primarily for storing the data the computer needed to make its computations. In the late 1980's though, IBM researchers developed a data warehousing system that formed an architectural basis for data flow using a data warehouse system to analyze and store information according to preset dynamics.

Today, data warehousing and web data mining are much more sophisticated. A web data mining program scans the web continuously looking for targeted information. This information is sorted and stored according to your needs. If you are looking to launch a new product line, a web mining and data warehousing subscription can gather the information relevant to your line, analyze the data and sort it, then help you prepare a report to determine the best marketing plan. The savings, in terms of man hours, would be tremendous.

Today's business data warehouse system, more than ever before, depends on reliable, factual, and speedy data acquisition and reporting. The current stock market crisis makes advancing capital ventures risky if not downright scary. There are businesses that will recognize the opportunity for growth inherent in this crisis. With data warehousing and web data mining you will be able to provide reliable statistics, both real and projected, to encourage your growth.

Web data mining and data warehousing in business will help you target your own potential market, not a broad based potential market that may have no bearing on your business. You'll have good information to take to a bank for a loan, to present to your boss, or promote before your board that will calm fears and answer questions.

The current financial climate is challenging but you as a business owner or employee can take advantage of those challenges to secure and advance your position with web data mining and data warehousing.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:50 PM, mc090410036 Naima Atique <> wrote:
plz idea cs614 ki gdp ka send kar dain

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[CS507, MKT501 , FIN623 , FIN630 , FINI619, MGT613]


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