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::: ::: Re: Presentation

Dear Friends! Remember following points for Script and presentation:

a. Script is same as already submitted.
b. Prepare a spoken script in your own fluent language. Write down, and underline important points to stress.
c. Make slides with only points, it should not be explaining every thing otherwise, your (speaker's) importance is no more.
d. Never face the board, or loose eye contact while describing.
e. Do not address only one side, all should feel as you are speaking in person to him/ her.
f. Make sure that you have practiced and noted time for all the parts of presentation.
g. Prioritize all parts in sequence, Most important, Important and less important. Do skip the part not needed.
h. When told to cut down time, you must reduce all unimportant parts.
i. Remember, Analysis, Recommendations, working parameters and then methodology are most important. These can also vary depending, on the presentation.
j. Do not make slides which are too colourful, distracting audience, unexplainable, causing too much of time destruction due to simple thing made too difficult.
k. Never commit about a thing in response or in flow of speech, which you do not know or you may not be sure of.

Remember lastly, You are at Master level and you are not teaching to Primary class. So ensure that you look like mature person, and deliver as mature person with complete confidence. What you know about your subject, they do not know, and what they understand, its also not understood by you. YOU ARE BEING EVALUATED, but by HUMAN like all of us.

Good luck my friends and do well there. 

On 30 July 2011 14:26, Javaid <> wrote:

Dear Brother


My presentation uplaod date is today and tomorrow is extended day.  Can you please mentioned any points to which I have to give more importance and have to give in the Slides in already mentioned procedure.  


The format given by VU is only outline how much of time should be for presentation. And major Points I have passed Profitability Ratio Analysis Project with my own work.  This time I can do presentation with my own effort too but I want to take Ideas to which I may add in my work and make it a perfect.


Thanks & Regards

Sh. Javaid


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