W/s respected SIr
here ur immature son Tabish (eagle_eye)
ALlah blessed you a lotttttttttt sir :)
on each and every step u r with us as a teacher, father...:)
Askarian all team management rock................
every admin and mod is outstanding… sir tnkx too u that u provide us a superb stage to learn, work or discussion on any topic and most important to tell us that how to FLY….
about ur paper then sir best of luck for result and es bar koi booti shooti hm hm hm hehehe okz private main baat ho gi ;)
Inshallah My MCS journey also going to end on 26 July, because that day also mines last paper… But I my all effort are alwz with askarian…. Main kider nhi jaan laga…..
And as sir sy we need new blood… please come forward and obtain there responsibilities.. Show up your hidden talent…. Inshallah we all grow ………..enjoy and FLY….
And in the last for all admins and modz
Lolzzz ager mary sy koi galti ho gi ho kabi bhai tu plz plz…………. Maafi mang lo aj main maaf karny k mood mian hun lolzzz :D:D:D:
Dear Friends! A-o-A.
I have taken my last paper, and it was wonderful experience with you all that I have gained. I must say that you all are my future, the future of country and I shall always be praying for each one of you. Moreover I am thankful to Allah Almighty who granted me courage and wisdom to create this group and website, which helped directly, indirectly and also formed a platform for all VU students to come and discuss issues related to their not only study but also even personal issues. And then I am thanksful to my proud and able team who made it pssoble for me to maintain and give support to all. Specially Hafiz Salman, Rajpoot, Honey G, Binish, Maha., Laiba, Kazi, Imran Ghafoor, my Son Musa, Tanveer, Naseer, Samiya, Naila, Ali, Saadat, Saad, Hina, Eagle_Eye, Asma, Sir Cheema, Affifa, Abdullah, Ramiz, Dua Smile, Samina, Sahar Batool, Sahar Afshan, Ameer, Asad Munir, Fizza, Zoya, Shine Angle, Qasim the Don, Waseem the Ahsan, Rumaila Shaz, Nimra, Umeed-e-Subh, Marina Khan, Ghazal, Ghazala, Orail, Jawwad, and each one who's name I may be forgetting but was part of the team or as member contributing to the cause (all those names may be considered included which I forgot and forgive me for that). May Allah bless you always. We shall Insha Allah be there to help even after this, but may be participation reduce as compared to past.
This was wonderful and big experience. We enjoyed hacking by many students, also experienced negativity which concluded as to why we lag behind in the world, as no one could beat us, but our own blood as we saw it through last two years. Anyways, I would request all to remove all ill feelings about me and my team, and what we did was our dedication, selfless effort and sincere working. Please forgive us all for any action that was not liked during our management.
I would also invite new blood to come forward, take on the responsibilities. Its our Home, its Our Country and this University is Our Institution, so work for better tomorrow.Thank you all
Allah Hafiz
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Thanx & Regards. Allah Hafiz
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