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*~* VuPak2009 *~* Fwd: SMAP: Free Accounting Software FULL

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From: ..::ISHFAQ::.. <>
Date: Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 8:55 AM
Subject: SMAP: Free Accounting Software FULL
To: afaaq <>, CoooL <>, coool_vu_students <>, "hafiz.salman.majeed1" <>, Miss Kazmi <>, Muhammad Aftab <>, Muhammad Soban <>, vustudymania <>, zavia-lms <>

اسلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ و برکاتہ

SMEDA: Free Accounting Software.

by Faisal Khan on February 14, 2009

Every now and then you come across a pleasant surprise. Today, was no exception. I was wondering what the Government is doing to enable Small & Medium Enterprises (aka Businesses) in Pakistan, embrace IT. I stumbled upon SMEDA's Website. SMEDA is an acronym for Small & Medium Enterprises Development Authority. Their website – can be accessed here.

What intrigued me was this link on their main page – aptly titled SMEDA Accounting Package (SMAP). Turns out this is a complete accounting package that is developed by a company called Generix Solutions (out of Lahore) that is given away to anyone for FREE. Yes, folks, a complete accounting package – given away for free – presumably subsidized by SMEDA.

Whilst I am not endorsing the accounting software per se, I am endorsing curiosity. It is worthwhile to at least download this software try it out. A complete User Manual (PDF) is provided for, along with an FAQ section, and training schedule (which I thought was the right approach and earns SMEDA some brownie points in my books). I did feel the screenshots were missing, but hey, can't have everything. SMEDA is not only providing the software for free, but is also supporting it to that enhancements, etc. are also provided for as and when the product matures or according to the changing environment.

What was frustrating was the user experience on the SMEDA website. They really need to revisit this again. I think it was a great effort by SMEDA to promote subsidized software for the small and medium businesses in Pakistan.

The features description of the software is listed below. Do go check it out. You just might end up liking it. The software runs on Windows. The downloading portion is pretty messed up (I would rather download 'one' file rather than multiple files, but I guess this has been done to serve the dial-up market as well). It would also be worthwhile for SMEDA to mention the total download size of each file.

Inventory Control

* Complete Product Details with Picture.
* Product Category, Size, Model, Brand, Make Details.
* Product Formulization & Replacement details.
* Supplier & Department Details.
* Product Multiple Locations & Tax Details.
* Product Costing Value & on Average Method.
* Product Quantity Bought/Sold/Returned/Scrap
* Product Batch No's & Locations.
* Stock Valuation & Product Profit Period Wise
* Stock Value Automatically Computed &Depicted In Financials.

Financial Accounting

* Chart of Accounts.
* Financial Year Selection.
* Year Ending & Periods wise Analysis.
* Voucher Entries.
* General Journal & Day Books.
* General Ledger.
* Expense Analysis & Banks Reports.
* Trial Balance.
* Audit Trail.
* Cash Flow Statements.
* Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss.

Cash / Bank Management

* GL Payments.
* Supplier Payments.
* GL Receipts.
* Invoice and Customer wise individual Receipts.
* Inter-bank Or Inter Account Transfers
* Cash / Bank Accounts Detailed Activity
* Customer Receipts Slips.
* Supplier Payment Slips.

Data Backup and Security

* Backup of Data.
* Restore Data.
* User Creation wizard.
* Login Screen.
* Change Password.
* Modification in Entered Data.

Default Modules

* Default Accounts for Auto Transaction.
* Customer Defaults Settings.
* Supplier Defaults Settings.
* Product Defaults Settings.
* Sales Defaults Settings.
* Purchase Defaults Settings

Receivables and Sales

* Customer Info and Other Details.
* Customer Type & Credit Limits.
* Customer Department & Tax Details.
* Customer Aging Periods & Detail Ledger.
* Customer Analysis Summary & Time Taken to Payable Invoices.
* Sales, Service & Return Invoices.
* Cash & Credit Sales, Sales by Product serial Nos.
* Sales Tax Computation, Discounts & Taxes.
* Automatic Updating Customer Balance, Inventory & Financials.
* Quotations & Sales Performa.
* No Individual Account In Chart Of Account for Each Customer.
* Receivables Value Automatically Computed & Depicted In Financials.

Production Management

* Material Issue Note.
* Finished Goods Receive Note.
* Batch wise Processing.
* Processing Cost & Comparison Sheets.
* Auto Inventory Updating.
* Batch wise Balance Report.
* Completed/Incomplete Batch's Reports.

Payable and Purchases

* Supplier Info & Other Details.
* Supplier Terms & Credit Limits.
* Supplier Department & Tax Details.
* Supplier Summary & Detail Ledger.
* Supplier Analysis Summary & Others.
* Purchase, Service & Return Invoices.
* Automatic Supplier, Inventory & Financial Updating.
* Product Purchases by Serial No's.
* LC Costing & Tracking.
* Auto Calculation of Purchase Cost.
* Payments Overdue/Advance.
* Cash/Credit Purchases.
* Supplier Ageing
* No Individual Account In Chart Of Account for Each Supplier.
* Payables Value Automatically Computed & Depicted In Financials

Other Features

* Fully integrated system.
* Sample Chart of Accounts for more than 100 Business's.
* Over 200 standard reports.
* Extensive Sample Company (Demo) Data.
* Compatibility with old versions.
* No Stationery required.
* Separate Sales Tax Computation according to Pakistan's Tax Department requirements.
* Comprehensive context sensitive Help
* Supported Operating Systems Win98, WinNT, Win200/XP

Best Wishes,
Muhammd Ishfaq
MCS 2nd Semester (PakPattan)


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