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Re: ::: ::: PROJECT

koe b nahi jo Project kary mare sath

2011/9/7 Mr.Rajpoot <>

Regular Students (non job holders) 
i. are required to select "Internship Course" when offered in their scheme of studies, instead of a Final Project 
ii. must undergo a 6 to 8 week internship in an organization, preferably relevant to their selected area of specialization 
iii. will be required to submit an Internship Report and Internship Completion Certificate at the end of the internship program 
iv. will be required to request their internship supervisor(s) to send a performance report of the internee by filling up the prescribed evaluation form and submitting it in a sealed envelope to the University. 

On Job Students 
i. are required to select
"Final Project" relevant to their selected area of specialization instead of undergoing an internship
ii. must submit a Job Confirmation Letter from their current employer and claim exemption from the internship.

(Note: Evaluation of the course "Final Project" / "Internship Report" will be based on pass/fail criteria and will not affect a student's CGPA. However, being a compulsory requirement, it is necessary to pass this course to fulfill the requirements of the degree program).

"Indeed our affair (Imamate) is severe and intense. It cannot be withstood, save by a faithful believer whose heart has been tried by Allah. None can comprehend our talk except trustworthy hearts and men of serious temperament." Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)

The Few, The Proud, The Askarians.

Admin Rajpoot
VU Askari

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