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[vu-students] Fwd: [Pak Youth] ====Why Are Muslims Divided In Sects

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From: Mudassar Malik <>
Date: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:54 AM
Subject: [Pak Youth] ====Why Are Muslims Divided In Sects
To: attock-vu-group <>, vu-study-corner <>,, mcs-mit <>,



1. Muslims Should Be United

It is A Fact That Muslims Today,

Are Divided Amongst Themselves.

The Tragedy is That Such Divisions Are Not Endorsed By Islam At All.

Islam Believes in Fostering Unity Amongst its Followers.


The Glorious Qur'ân says :

"And Hold Fast, All Together,

 By The Rope Which Allaah (stretches out for you),

 And Be Not Divided Among Yourselves"

[Al-Qur'ân 3:103]


Which is The Rope Of Allaah That is Being Referred To in This Verse?

It is The Glorious Qur'ân.

 The Glorious Qur'ân is The Rope Of Allah Which All Muslims Should Hold Fast Together.

There is Double Emphasis in This Verse.

Besides Saying ' Hold Fast All Together ' it Also Says, 'Be Not Divided'.


Qur'ân Further Says, 
" Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger "

 [Al-Qur'ân 4:59]

All the Muslim should follow the Qur'ân And Authentic Ahadeeth And Be Not Divided Among Themselves.


2. It is Prohibited To Make Sects And Divisions in Islaam


The Glorious Qur'ân Says:

"As For Those Who Divide Their Religion and Break Up into Sects, Thou Hast No Part in Them in The Least : Their Affair is With Allah :

He Will in The End Tell Them The Truth Of All That They Did."

 [Al-Qur'ân 6:159]


In This Verse Allah (swt) Says That One Should Disassociate Oneself From Those Who Divide Their Religion And Break it Up into Sects.


But When One Asks A Muslim,

 " Who Are You ? ",

 The Common Answer is Either

  ' I Am A Sunni, Or 'I Am Shia'.

Some Call Themselves Hanafi, or Shafi or Maliki or Hanbali. Some Say 'I Am A Deobandi',

While Some Others Say 'I Am A Barelvi'.


3. Our Prophet Was A Muslim


One May Ask Such Muslims,

" Who Was Our Beloved Prophet (pbuh)?


Was He A Hanafi Or A Shafi, Or A Hanbali or A Maliki?" No! He Was A Muslim,

Like All The Other Prophets And Messengers Of Allah Before Him.


It is Mentioned in Chapter 3 Verse 52 Of Al-Qur'ân That Jesus (pbuh) Was A Muslim.


Further, in Chapter 3 Verse 67,

 Al-Qur'ân Says That Ibrahim (Pbuh)

Was Not A Jew Or A Christian But Was A Muslim.


4. Qur'ân Says Call Yourselves Muslim


a. If Anyone Poses A Muslim The Question Who Are You,

He Should Say


Not A Hanafi Or A Shafi".

Surah Fussilat Chapter 41 Verse 33 Says

" Who is Bin Speech Than One Who Calls

(men) To Allah,

Works Righteousness,

And Says,

'I Am Of Those Who Bow in Islaam (Muslim) ?' "

 [Al-Qur'ân 41:33]


The Qur'ân Says

 " Say I Am Of Those Who Bow in Islam ". In other Words, Say,

"I am a Muslim".


B. The Prophet (pbuh) Dictated Letters To Non-Muslim Kings And Rulers inviting Them To Accept Islam. In These Letters He Mentioned The Verse of the Qur'ân


From Surah Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 64:

Say  : " Bear wWtness That We (at least)

Are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will)."

 [Al-Qur'ân 3:64]


5. Respect All The Great Scholars Of Islaam



We Must Respect All The Great Scholars Of Islam, including The Four Imaams,

 Imaam Abu Hanifa,

Imaam Shafi,

Imaam Hanbal

 Imaam Malik

 (may Allah be pleased with them all).


They Were Great Scholars And May Allah Reward Them For Their Research And Hard Work.

 One Can Have No Objection if Someone Agrees With The Views And Research Of

Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi, Etc.

But When Posed A Question,

' Who Are You?',

 The Reply Should Only Be

 'I Am A Muslim'.


6. Some May Argue By Quoting The Hadeeth of our Beloved Prophet From Sunan Abu Dawood Hadeeth No. 4579.

In This Hadeeth The Prophet (pbuh) is Reported to have said,

" My Community Will Be Split Up into Seventy-Three Sects."

This Hadeeth Reports That The Prophet Predicted The Emergence Of Seventy-Three Sects.

 He Did Not Say That Muslims Should Be Active in Dividing Themselves into Sects.

The Glorious Qur'ân Commands Us Not To Create Sects.

Those Who Follow The Teachings Of The Qur'ân And Sahih Hadeeth,

And Do Not Create Sects Are The People Who Are On The True Path.

According To Tirmidhi Hadeeth No. 171


The Prophet (pbuh) is Reported To Have Said,

" My Ummah Will Be Fragmented into Seventy-Three Sects,

And All Of Them Will Be in Hell Fire Except One sect.

" The Companions Asked Allah's Messenger which Group That Would Be.

Where Upon He Replied,

 "It is The One To Which I And My Companions Belong."


The Glorious Qur'ân Mentions in Several Verses, "Obey Allah And Obey His Messenger".

 A True Muslim Should Only Follow The Glorious Qur'ân and the Sahih Hadeeth.

He Can Agree With The Views Of Any Scholar As long As They Conform To The Teachings Of The Qur'ân and Sahih Hadeeth.

If Such Views Go Against The Word Of Allah, or the Sunnah Of His Prophet,

Then They Carry No Weight,

Regardless Of How Learned The Scholar Might Be.


If Only All Muslims Read The Qur'ân With Understanding And Adhere To Sahih Hadeeth, Inshallaah Most Of These Differences would be Solved And We Could Be One United Muslim Ummah

" 0, Our Lord ! We Have Wronged Our Souls A Great Wrong, And None Forgiveth Sins Save Thou Alone. Then Forgive Us And Have Mercy On Us. Verily, Thou Art The oft Forgiving, And Most Merciful."

(Al Baqarah)




Mudassar Malik
MBA Finance

 ,"Don't worry if people hate you because there are many others who love and care you in the earth. But be worried if ALLAH hates you because there is no other who loves and cares you in akhirat."* 

"To be the Subject of jealousy is the sign of failure in life and To be the object of jealousy is the sign of success in life"`

You Will  Never Reach Your Destination in Time, if You Stop and Throw Stones at Every Dog that Barks at You During the Journey. (Nipolean)

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