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::: ::: QUIZ OF MGMT625 of today - 100% Correct

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Dear Management Friends,
Fyi and help, the last one for this semester. Best of All during your examinations.

Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 08:56:55 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following leadership style refers to strategic and operational actions that influence organizational and follower performance based on the leader's expert power? 

Select correct option: 


 Transformational leadership


 Transactional leadership


 Instrumental leadership


 Laissez-faire leadership



Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 08:58:22 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following transformational strategies involves making major changes in the positioning of the firm with suppliers, partners or down stream agents? 

Select correct option: 


 Reconfigure the value stream 


 Redefine the driving force of the business


 Reconstruct the competencies of the business


 Redefine the value proposition to the existing or new customers



Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 08:59:48 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

People get into trouble when they do not accept their total selves and try to live up to the demands of others rather than being themselves. This refers to: 

Select correct option: 


 Management by exception


 Management by objective


 Gestalt phenomenon


 Gibbs phenomenon



Question # 4 of 20 ( Start time: 09:00:47 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following statements describes engineering problem for prospectors? 

Select correct option: 


 To locate and develop market opportunities


 To avoid long term commitments to a single technological process


 To facilitate and coordinate numerous and diverse operations


 To focus on short term goals



Question # 5 of 20 ( Start time: 09:01:56 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following dimensions of strategic change describes 'what' of the change according to Pettigrew? 

Select correct option: 




 Outer Context


 Inner context





Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 09:03:25 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following provided data that suggest a strong linkage between corporate culture and the organization's reward system? 

Select correct option: 


 Kerr and Slocum

 Taylor and Weber

 Michael and Freisen

 Tushman & Romanelli


Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 09:04:04 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following states is the most vulnerable to changes in the firm's environment? 

Select correct option: 











Question # 8 of 20 ( Start time: 09:05:17 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Radical changes are considered as rapid and ___________. 

Select correct option: 











Question # 9 of 20 ( Start time: 09:06:41 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Parochialism is also known as: 

Select correct option: 











Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 09:07:12 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

The general or macro environment is a part of organization's external environment. Identify other type of organization's external environment? 

Select correct option: 


 The internal environment


 The competitive environment


 The specific environment


 The micro-environment



Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 09:08:37 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is defined as an influencing process that can be exercised sideways, diagonally, top-down and down-up throughout an organizational hierarchy? 

Select correct option: 






 All of the given options



Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 09:09:12 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is known as revenue centric approach? 

Select correct option: 


 Activity centered change


 Focus on quantity or numbers


 Interconnectedness of various elements


 Need to change every thing at once



Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 09:09:42 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Identify the reason due to which strategic change is likely to be more successful in circumstances of incremental change? 

Select correct option: 


 It is forcefully implemented

 It is owned by the senior manager

 It is internalized and owned by those who will implement it

 It is facilitated by management consultants


Question # 14 of 20 ( Start time: 09:10:30 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

"Not recognizing the need to change" refers to which of the following difficulties face by companies when they want to be innovative? 

Select correct option: 


 Failure of perception

 Inappropriate innovation

 Episodic innovation

 Steady state innovation


Question # 15 of 20 ( Start time: 09:11:55 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following does NOT describe radical change? 

Select correct option: 


 It is multi-directional

 It is discontinuous

 It is long-term based

 It is based on constant learning


Question # 16 of 20 ( Start time: 09:13:25 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is a disadvantage of narrow span of control? 

Select correct option: 


 Close control


 Close supervision


 High costs due to many levels


 Fast communication between subordinates and superiors



Question # 17 of 20 ( Start time: 09:14:21 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is Not an internal source of strategic organizational change? 

Select correct option: 


 New corporate mission

 New company leadership

 Decline in employee's morale

 Government regulations


Question # 18 of 20 ( Start time: 09:15:36 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

The statement of an organization's aspirations can be found in the organization's: 

Select correct option: 


 Mission statement


 Strategic objectives




 Vision statement



Question # 19 of 20 ( Start time: 09:16:57 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following is an intangible design? 

Select correct option: 


 Control system

 Functional design


 Divisional design


 Matrix design



Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 09:17:59 PM )  Total Marks: 1 

Which of the following gave a single category of change i.e. change in knowledge? 

Select correct option: 










Naveed Iqbal Khan
Final Semester - MBA Management
Jeddah - KSA

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