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::: ::: Re: [ ] ECO401 GDB DISCUSSION

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 2:54 AM, KapReeKon <> wrote:
Now world is travelling with a
rapid rate in the period of development with very modern ideas and the basis of
these ideas are of course bright brains, and when these brains moves from one place
to another it is known as Brain drain this shifting may occurs in between the
countries, in between the companies etc. But here the country level shifting is
of our major worry. Now in our country opening of any new technology cannot be
achieved effectively without cooperation with foreign country than what about
those several brains which comes out yearly through the prominent schools of Pakistan?
Actually here the process of so called brain drain comes in play, where most of
the brilliant brain moves towards the other developed countries with leaving
out our own Country Pakistan. 

So, here the state demands the checking of this brain drain, but none of any
law or rule can forcely do it because Pakistan is a democratic place and people
have their personal rights to shift wherever they want. So here, there is a
need of providing favorable conditions to them that maybe in the form of money,
position, place, security etc. So that they can fulfill their desires within
their own nation. Many of the brains also leaves due to the unavailability of
proper infrastructure and ambient working environment but this lacunae can be
filled in the country itself also.

According to me, these above are the causes and remedies of this problem and it
should be stopped so that our indigenous brain remains conserved in our country.

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Sana Qureshi <> wrote:

The case:

If we ask from Pakistanis about their future plans, most of them will show their desire to go abroad for their bright future.  This is also true that a good number of skilled and qualified Pakistanis have already settled abroad for a better future. This phenomenon is called brain drain or human capital flight. The problem of brain drain is very common in the developing countries. Pakistan is also a worst hit country by brain drain. Skilled and expert persons are migrating to other countries. According to the rough estimates, more than two third of Pakistani people wants to go out of the country. This figure has become unbearable in year 2011 and is a big question mark on the long term growth of Pakistan as "no nation can achieve long term economic growth by exporting its human resources".



Being a student of economics, logically discuss the impact of this movement of people on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan. In your opinion, what steps should be taken to control the problem of brain drain. 

Sana Qureshi
MBA (HRM) 4th Sem
Virtual University of Pakistan

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Sana Qureshi
MBA (HRM) 4th Sem
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