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[vu-students] MGT610,ACC501,CS507,STA630 and MKT501 new midterm papers spring 2012 and patterns by Masoodkhan




Multi branding 5 

Brand of imporatnsce 3

Co brand fimaluy brand

28 MCQs
Q29: Steps for New Product Development ( marks 3)
Q30: Hypotheses for Psychological Pricing (marks 3)
Q31: Factors which help marketers in charging Premium Price (marks 5)
Q32: Conjoint Analysis (marks 5)


kuch mcqs start ky tay khud bond main sy kuch interest main sy

subjectivr main PV find kern ta

bond ka indenture explain kerna ta

borrowing kerta ho bank sy then Quarterly compound sahi hy yah semi annula compond sahi hy

compreseion kerna ta

aik ta 3 year ka alag alag interest find out kerna ta



long compound intrest ka aik numerical tha

aik bond price and intrest rate ka relationship

 aik question bond valuation ka tha numerical

  1. Aslam will receive Rs.30,000 after 5 years at a discount rate of 12 percent what is the present value of this amount to Aslam  (3)
  1. Calculate the price of a share of stock of ABC Corporation if it pay Rs. 21 per share dividend every year the policy continuous indefinitely and required rate of return is 25%(3)
  1. Shahid is planning to save amount for future suggest him the effective option from the flowing different Bank on saving account

Bank A = 16.5% compounded quarterly

Bank A = 16.75% compounded quarterly (5)

4.                   ABC company bound have face value of 8,000 and promised annual coupon of Rs.880 the bound return in 12 years. Determine the current value of bound if present market condition justify a 13% required rate of return is this a premium bound or discreet bound (5)




26 mcq

2 no ky 2

3 no ky 2

5 no 2

differentiate between DFD and ERD

Difference b/w Operational and behavoior feasibility

just in time can reduce organzation cost justfy with comments

CRM sy releted aik question ta

ak tha dss system ko explain karna tha 5 marks

prtotype wala tha 5 marks ka

 ak 3 no ka tha k decisin models k naam btai

 ak 3 no ka feasibility report wala




 total question 32
total mcqs 29
3 marks question:

1: report building is the essence of getting true responses of respondents explain it?
2: Mail questionnaires are cost effective but some time most expenses..comment on that statement?

5 marks question:

1: how is the interval scale are sophisticated then the nominal and ordinal scales
2: as u researcher who employees help you in to complete and co-prated with u

  my today paper hai ya question aye thy

STA630 Todays paper 11 MAY 

STA630 Todays paper 11 MAY 
there were 32 question includind 28 mCQs mostly from past papers, pecially from the last 6 lectures

2 short question of 3 marks
1: factors of low response of mail questionnaire, how we can increase the response rate of mail questionnaire
2: identify the internal organizational factors of JOB design which can be operational for research.

2 question of 5 marks each
why goodness of measure is important? how we can ensure the goodness of a measure?
2:a hotel is 10 miles away from the city and have low customer patronage, management is worried about this issue, also hotel has not any marketing efforts,
state the broad problem area>?
state the problem statement>?
identify one dependent and one independent variable for the scenario and justify the reasons for that.>?



32 totl qustn thy .28 mcqz.mostly ap ki snd ki hue fils ma sy thy

2 qus 3 marks k and 2 qust 5 mrks

.kuch stmnt di hue the uny dakh kr btna tha.4 long qustn thy.

Total 32 question
28 mcq'z
2 question = 3 marks
2 question = 5 marks

Subjective question:
2 marks
What traits are the valuable parts of person's morally good behavior?
In perfect compaction the demand curve is always downward slopping. Why?

5 marks
What are the two ideological camps in free trade theories? Explain in detail
What is monopolistic and oligopolistic compition? Explain the main points of difference?

plz sab meray liyah dua kerna 

Muhammad Masood Umer Khan
MBA 3.5 Years Program
4th Semester 
VTNM01 Campus 

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