56 MCQS mostly from Kamran Haider's File.8 Subjective questions. From Past Papers.1-- The correlation coefficient between the returns of the stock and themarket is 0.008. The variance of stock's returns is 0.11 and variance of marketreturns is 0.0.08. Calculate the covariance of market and stock's returns. 3 Marks2-- How mutual funds cash position (Liquidity) affect investors decision.3 Marks3-- Ahmad allocated 70% of his funds to Bonds and 30% to shares. What do you thing is Ahmad a Risk Taker investor or Risk Averse Investor? 3 Marks4--
a- Deposit Rs. 10,000 in an account which is paying 15% annual payments for 4 years.b- Deposit Rs. 10,000 in an account which is paying 15% semi-annual payments for 4 years.
Calculate the future value for both given options. Which option you would select and why? 3 Marks
Average rate of return
Figures were nearly same as above.
Return on treasury bill is 10 % . Calculate RVAR,,, and tell which portfolio is performing better and why? 5 Marks
6--- You Have to Lower the expected rate of return in order to adjust the Higher risk. Do you agree with the statement ? Justify you answer. 5 Marks
7--- Current rate of a security is Rs. 50. initial margin is Rs. 25 AND Maintenance cost Is Rs.15. YOU HAVE A FIVE FUTURE CONTRACT ,,,FILL THIS TABLE .5 Marks
Future Price
Daily Gain/Loss $
Remaining Margin Balance $
Margin Call (Yes Or No)
8--- I forgot.On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Jhuley Lal <jhulaylall@gmail.com> wrote:
jab aap dey lo aap bhi ker dena--On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Hijaab <abremeherban@gmail.com> wrote:
jin students nay fin630 ka paper day dia hai wo please subjective portion share karein.--
--سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم.
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