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Re: )))))))Vu & Company((((((( TRIBUTE TO HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN R.A

Virtual University MBA ( 2 - 1 / 2 Years Program )


SHIA          V/S       SUNNI


Reason Of Conflict

And You Mock On Allah What Allah Has Never Raveled. And you say about, you know nothing.


Religions &  Their Modifications

Christians The Perfect Example

Christian has two major sects. Known as Catholics & Protestants.

·         One of them sticks to the actual code. What was given to them by Jesus?

·         Others have modified version of their belief and created what was either demanded by their lords (kings) or what they wish.

Why Quraish e Makkah was Offered Islam. By Allah. Through  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).?

·         We know There were idol worshiper in makkah.

·         But we also know that there were jews waiting for Masiha (the last Prophet).

·         And we also know there were christens also wait for last prophet.

·         Why only idol worshipers were offered. Islam. 

·       Those who have book already. Was neglected. Why.

o   Due to their habit of doing modifications in the orders of Allah.

o   Bypassing the rules laid by One True God.

o   By saying those things which Allah never said to them?


What Was The Modification & Things That Allah Dose Not Said To them.

·         Jesus being the God. Holy Sprit And Holy Son of God. The Concept Of Trinity   --- Remember This.

·         Jesus As savior ( no matter what sin you commit Jesus will let you go through Judgment day and will get you to paradise.) ..  ok

·         Love of Jesus Tops Love Of God.    – Creation has more worth then Creator.

·         And lot of other thing. Saying that does not reflect the religion but only the creation of " Preachers -- Padris"


Same Is The Matter With Islam.

Why Shia V/S Sunni Clash.

·         I am not going to discuss the reason of clash. But I am going to tell everybody how we are all wrong.

·         We are not following the True God …  Allah. And His Book AL Quran and His Messenger. The Prophet but we are becoming the same.

·         As JEWS And Christen's DID. And Same Will Happen To us.

·          The Religion Will Be Given To Anyone. May the darkest Nation on earth.



·         We have also modified the religion.

·         And we all know. What has been modified?

·         What is added, what is dropped?

·         We also put too much emphasize on prophets identity.

·         But we are ordered

·         "No one is Muslim until he loves (me - Muhammad PBUH) more than his relatives and children's, and parents.

·         It's not our concern (who was he. What was he. )

·         But we are ordered to love him. And just do that.

·         We are ordered to love his companions.  Just do that.

o   Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

o   Hazrat Usman (RA)

o   Hazrat Umer (RA)

o   Hazrat Ali (RH)

o   And All The Sahaba's

·         We are ordered to love his Ehl e Bait. So just do that.

o   The Daughter Of Prophter (Fatima RA)

o   Nephew Of Prophet (Imam Husain – Imam Hassan)

o   And Their Sons And Their Daughters.

·         You also have created the new sect in religion.

·         No prove of existence. But you will bring a lot. To justify yourself.

·         None have right to change what their father has delivered.

·         Remember just delivered. Not created. Not developed.

·         One has right of authority what he created. But no one have right to retain or modify what he is just spouse to deliver.

·         And I give Shahada that My Prophet was a Messenger of Allah.

·         What happen between Hazarat Imam Hussain (RA)  And Yazeed. It's not our concern as Muslims.

·         Are you and we going to give reward to them.

·         Allah is the one who Rewards. So let him do his job.

·         Neither Allah nor his book Nor His Prophet(PBUH) ask us to moan on (Shaheeds.)

·         May Allah Guide us all.

·         May Allah keep his mercy upon us all?

·         He have every right to retain and snatch. What he has rewarded to Muslims.

Regards : -
Asif Ghafoor ShouQ.
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Session FALL 2010
MBA Virtual University
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