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)))))))Vu & Company((((((( Fwd: [MasjidNabwi] Thanks to the BBC,


Dear All,

Thanks to the BBC, Divya Talwar and her producers for producing a news item that was as fair as could be in this story.  It clearly showed Ahmadiyya exaggeration and another attempt to use one of the tragic attacks in Lahore this year to try to malign British Muslims.  

BBC Story:

Meanwhile, although the 'KNA murder leaflet' could never be found, we found something else: a letter sent internally within the Ahmadiyya on how to 'pose' as Muslims and flood Channel 4's web site with comments.  

Thanks to the Ahmdadiyya campaign, now the mainstream UK media knows why Muslims do not like this cult's tactics of maligning Muslims.  Enjoy this internal letter from the Ahmadiyya and note how they refer to the vast majority of UK Muslims as 'KN mullahs', and note the use of the word 'mischief' while doing exactly that.  This is the wariness and paranoia of Muslims that the Ahmadiyya leadership inculcates in its followers.

Akber Choudhry

Assalmaoalaikum warahmatullah brothers,

Following Sadr sahib's instructions to Khuddam this afternoon I have some humble requests to make.

1) I have spoken with Dr. Basharat Nazeer sahib (Jamaat's Press Secretary) regarding the feedback to C4. Dr Nazeer was suggesting that it should not necessarily be made evident that it is only Ahmadis who are writing feedback of support to C4′s website. So please choose the wording which is sort of neutral yet commending the job done by Darshana Soni (who is under serious distress as a result of an unexpected backlash by the mullahs of KN). Can I humbly request that all Khuddam up and down the country should be encouraged to respond to the call by Sadr sahib as it is our moral duty to show support to Darshna Soni for her excellent work. Our support should greatly outnumber the feedback of criticism from KN and its followers.

Please note that KN already have been asking their followers to write to C4 in opposition to the presenter/programme. Dr Nazeer has promised that he will soon send some sort of guideline regarding the type of language that could be used for the support of the programme.

2) Also Basharat Nazeer sahib with the help of his team is going to email a standard response for any potential interview by any of the radio/TV channels. I am waiting on his guidelines which I will forward to you on their receipt.

3) May I also suggest that with sadr sahib's permission each region can contact their local radio channels and show willingness for being interviewed regarding the hate campagin. This should be done in an organised manner and the interviewee must be well briefed in light of the guidelines. i have also requested Dr Nazeer to send us clear guidelines for the interview. Dr Nazeer is of the view that if we proactively contact the local radio channels for being interviewed in this regard then chances for success are quite bright.

Time is of the essence in this regard, please act swiftly in light of Sadr sahib's instructions. May Allah bless and protect our jamaat from all sorts of mischief.

Farooq Mahmood
In-Charge Press and Media Committee MKA UK




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