I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware of our environmental educational non-profit initiative, Go GREEN Kids, where students will learn how to be more respectful of our Mother Earth, learn of ways to reduce pollution, recycle and contribute towards a Greener life for us all and Inspire their Parents, Elders and Teachers for the same. In turn, this initiative will install in our children a more respectful, proud, and conscious character, which will enable them to be even more valuable and appreciated members of our society.
Children can win a cash prize of Rs. 2, 00,000, scholarships and lots of other benefits along with saving Mother Earth and contributing towards a Greener future for us all. It is completely FREE, with no strings attached!
Each and every student will also be awarded with a participation certificate which will be life time asset to them and their credentials. Visit www.greenyatra.org for more detail. Go Green Kids is an initiative by Green Yatra, an NGO.
We are looking forward to having your full support and participation in helping us educate children and encourage them to participate and be aware about the environment and to respect it in daily lifestyle. Your small support will help to us launch this campaign to a different height and be an inspiration for all. So Be a part of Change toward safe, pollution-free Green Earth by encouraging your children, children at your home, relatives, friends and neighbours to participate, spread the words, forward this mail to all as much as you can because WE ALL live on this Planet Earth and must thrive for towards its Green Present and Future.
Be the Change, Bring the Change... Become the Change-maker and join hands with us. To be our volunteer partner, donor, supporter, and collaborator, please write us on: work@greenyatra.org
Kindly pass on this mail ... because no revolution and initiative succeeds without the support of each individual, just like you.
Join us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/greenyatra
And follow on twitter at: www.twitter.com/greenyatra
With best Green regards,
A Green Yatri
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