---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chanda rehman <misscutyvuty@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:41 PM
Subject: BOP internee
To: KAMRAN KAMRAN <alliswell.kamran@gmail.com>
jo jo BOP mei internship kar raha hai,, ya phr jis jis ne BOP mei Internship kar li hai ,, wo plz apna name, apni city ka name and branch name and branch code mujhe mail kare,,,
plz hurry up.....
Dream is not that you see in sleep..........
Dream is the the thing which you to sleep!!!!
From: chanda rehman <misscutyvuty@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:41 PM
Subject: BOP internee
To: KAMRAN KAMRAN <alliswell.kamran@gmail.com>
jo jo BOP mei internship kar raha hai,, ya phr jis jis ne BOP mei Internship kar li hai ,, wo plz apna name, apni city ka name and branch name and branch code mujhe mail kare,,,
plz hurry up.....
Dream is not that you see in sleep..........
Dream is the the thing which you to sleep!!!!

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