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2On what factors steady state growth rate of real GDP depends ? (3)
Water which is essitional for life is so cheap while diamound are nt so esstional for life are so expensive why disscuss.(5)
Caulate GNP, NNP (5)
What are the wffect of expacisionary fiscal on country debt.
Give the formula of the following 3
GNP, NNP,GDP Defaltor
Function of Central bank5
Pull demand inflation, cost push inflation difference 5

The discounted value of the net returns that the asset generates over a period of time plus the discounted value of its disposal value at the end of the period minus the initial purchase cost is known as:
Future value.
Net present value.
Discounted value.
Disposal value.

Please choose one
The level of output produced when the labor market is in equilibrium is called:

Target output.
Product market equilibrium output.
Full-employment output.
Natural output.
What will happen to LM curve if the central bank increased the supply of real money balances?
It would become steeper.
It would become flatter.
It would shift upward.
It would shift downward
Slope and elasticity of demand have
A direct relation.
An inverse relationship.
No relation between slope and elasticity.
None of the given options
average physical product (APP) is decreasing then which of the following must
be true?

Marginal physical product is more than the average physical product.
Marginal physical product is less than the average physical product.
Marginal physical product is decreasing.
Marginal physical product is increasing.
Classical economics was replaced as the dominant theory of
macroeconomic analysis by:
Rational expectations.
Keynesian economics.
Neoclassical economics.

Water which is essitional for life is so cheap while diamound are nt so esstional for life are so expensive why disscuss.(5)
Caulate GNP, NNP (5)

What are the wffect of expacisionary fiscal on country debt.
Give the formula of the following 3
GNP, NNP,GDP Defaltor
Function of Central bank5

Pull demand inflation, cost push inflation difference 5
And fellowing mcq were which I rember.


Which of the following is the best example of a public good?

A cup of coffee.
A monthly magazine.
A haircut.
An interstate highway.
Marginal profit is equal to:
Marginal revenue minus marginal cost.
Marginal revenue plus marginal cost.
Marginal cost minus marginal revenue.
Marginal revenue times marginal cost.
Classical economics was replaced as the dominant theory of macroeconomic analysis by:
Rational expectations.
Keynesian economics.
Neoclassical economics.
In Keynesian economics, a deflationary gap results if:
Aggregate expenditures are greater than aggregate production.
Aggregate expenditures are equal to aggregate production.
There are no changes in inventories.
Aggregate expenditures are less than aggregate production.
Assume that there is no government or foreign sector, if the marginal
propensity to save (MPS) is 0.2, then the value of saving multiplier will be equal to
The next unit produced will decrease profit.
The next unit produced will increase cost more than it increases revenue.
The next unit produced will increase revenue more than it increases cost.
The next unit produced will increase revenue without increasing cost



62 mcqs (By Isra khan)
and 7 short qs

Define balance of payment (BOP). How the BOP can be determined? 3 marks
It is said that growth is an important macroeconomic issue. Why? Discuss 3 marks
Define unemployment? 3 marks
hw oilgopoly is differ from another market structers??? breifly explain.. 5 marks
hw can a goverment finance its fiscal dficit??? explain 5 marks
define current account deficit ??? hw to reduce current account defict??? 5 marks

Dear All,

The paper had 70% of MCQs from previous exams.

Total Question were 69

MCQ's (1 Marks) 62
Subject Questions 3 (3 Marks)
Subject Questions 4 (5 Marks)
Total Marks = 91

Guys it was a very time consuming paper and below are the detailed subjective questions which i remember for your help.

1. What is meant by Balance of Payment (BOP)?
2. What are the basic functions of Central Banks?
3. What are the difference between Exogenous growth model and endogenous growth model?


Total time= 2 hors

Total quastion= 69

Mcqs= 62
shorts Q of 3 marks = 3 
shorts Q of 5 marks = 4

Q1:Define unemployment what is meant by unemployment rate :3 marks

Q2:what is the reason of poverty in developing countries according to prebisch singer hypothesis?:3m

Q3:Differentiate b/w acthual GDP and potential GDP?:3m

Q4:What is meant by balance of payment (BOP)? How BOP is used as an indicator of economic and political stability discuss?: 5m

Q5:if a consumer is facing some budget constraint and having many indifference covers then what will be the optimum point where he can maximize his utility . explain with the help of diagram?:5m

Q6:How crowding out of investment demond occur due to explansion fiscal policy? 5m

Q7: calculate injections at each table

Q7 is just idea table was very big and i have no time to note ok 



RE: ECO401 Current 2011 Final Term Papers Thread

1- What type of taxes govt. can impose ? Explain them briefly ?

2- Write the difference between cost puch inflation & demand pull inflation with example?

3- What will be the value of MPS when the value of multiplier is 1.45

4- "Slope of consumption function is less then 1" What is its mean?

What are the important variable used to determine the national income.




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