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Re: ::::IIVU ASKARII:::: MGT602 -Final Term Helping Material Required

all fall_2011_latest papers of mgt602
My Today's Paper Feb 11, 2011 MGT602
Total Question = 69

I think 63 Mcqs
3 questions of 3 Mark each
3 Questions of 5 mark each.

All questions and mcqs from past papers and quiz. i attached 11 past papers in one file and recent quiz in which repeated mcqs ignored solved by VUASKARI team. I resolved some mcqs in the quiz which were wrongly solved.
My today's paper
1. Why entrepreneur write cheque weekly. (3)
2. Factors which helps in success of joint venture. (3)
3. Types of private investors. (3)
4. Why innovation has some uniqueness discuss. (5)
5. Factor help to enhance the motivation in employees.
6. Main bool gaya 

Yeh sab questions past papers main hain.
2nd paper
MGT602 - today paper Feb 11, 2011
FEb 11, 2011, at 2 pm 
MGT602 - Entrepreneurship

total question: 69
Mcqs: 63
Subjective questions: 6

Mcqs were mostly from Funds, Cash flow and budgets.

Very Important: Joint venture (lesson # 43) and Capital sources in Pakistan (lesson # 37)


SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (in my own wording)

Question # 1: What budgets are prepared to prepare pro-forma income statement? Marks 3

Question # 2: Give the list of Pakistani financial institutions work for deveolpment. Marks 3

Question # 3: What is inventory turnover? how it is measured? Marks 3

Question # 4: You are in manufacturing organization? What will your budget constitute ? Marks 5

Question # 5: What is imporatance of cash flow? How cash flow is managed? Marks 5

Question # 6: What are the areas in which history of enterpreneur reflects his work? Is exprience a major factor? Marks 5


RE: latest today paper of mgt602_2011 of akhtar

asalam o alaikum

my today's mgt602 paper

almost 35 mcqs from past pprs solved by Admin Honey.. thanks to Admin Honey.. 

disadvantages of acquisition? 5 marks 

basic points or features of SBA Small Business Administrative? 5 marks 

advantages and disadvantages of asset based financing? 

write different types of private investors? 3 marks 

what is accredited investors ? 3 marks 

reasons why business plan fails ? 3 marks
Maximum MCQ's and long question were from past papers 
So I advise to concentrate on past papers 
My Today's MGT602 Paper: 
DATE: 11/02/2011 
Time: 10:30 AM 
Student: Tahir Naveed 
Total Long questions: 7 
LONG question are: 
1. What inventory turnover means (3 
2. Advantages of acquation (3 
3. Wht is Small Business Administrative (SBA) loan (3  
4. Wht is joint venture (5 
5. Sources of finance at starting of venture (5 
6. Briefly describe Sindh Small Industries Corporation (SSIC) (5 
7. How entrepreneur finance at start of venture (5 

2011/2/20 ∂υα ωαqαя <>
mgt602 11 final papers with subjective and online quiz all in 1 file solved by honey

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 9:55 PM, Farooq A Hashmi <> wrote:
Dear Friends plz share helping material for Final Terms of MGT602


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Admin Dua Waqar (MBA Finance)

[Fin622, Fin621, Mgt603, Mgt602, Mgt301, It430, Sta630]

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