CS101 current paper (2011)
40 mcq thy or 12 short thy
event handling and types of event handling?
how to make a good pesoude code ?
what are the three aitribute of event handling?
TCP and IP
write down the key feature of word proccessor?
why Dos attack is a cyber crime?writ down the any one cyber crime?
five feature of multimediya presesntation
what are the way business monitor the employee
RE: cs101 complete current subjective
Who is Ada?
Suppose we have a big project. Draw hierarchy of the people involved in the project?
What is Robotics? How Robots making our daily and industrial life easy?
What is an Array?
What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?
Why the quality of image in dithering scheme is not good?
What kind of new jobs are created because of computing?
And which old professions are being eliminated?
What are Logic- or Time-Bombs ?
What is output of the following JavaScript code ?
Str="Virtual University of Pakistan";
document.write(str.substring(5,str.length)) ;
mera kal CS101 ka paper tha. total 52 questions the. 40 mcqs. Short
questions ye the.
1. List down the names of processors. any four from different
manufacturors. 2 mark
2. Define the term 3D. 2 marks
3. In javascript what is event handeling? What are the two types of
event? 2 marks
4. Define key weakness of web? 2 marks
5. Define prefered organizational structure for the organization? 3 marks
6. Differentiate onFocus and onBlur? 3 marks
7. Three types of operations performed by microprocessors? 3 marks
8. Thrre file formates of graphics? 3 marks
9. Impact of web on our society and business? 5 marks
10. Advantages of multimedia presentation. any five. 5 marks
11. can a human doctor be replaced by an expert system? give reasons
to support your answer. 5 marks
12. Describe the responsibilities and profile of team lead? 5 marks
Current 2011 subjective solved by KASHIF_IQBAL007
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )
List down the names of two array methods available in JavaScript.
1. sort( ) [sorts elements in alphabetical order]
2. reverse( ) [Reverses the order of elements]
Question No: 29 (Marks: 2)
What is meant by semantic error?
It is an error which a developer meets when a statement is executed but it was not intended by him (the developer). Such errors are very difficult to locate during testing. Mostly these occur during abnormal situation. It may be referred as the logical error.
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
How can you define a consistent web design? Why is it needed?
A consistent good designed website is generated for general public that allows users to attain what they want as quickly as possible without spending much effort.
A consistent good design assists the user in recovering from errors.
Image in JavaScript
Example: It can be used by many trainer like, onAbort, onLoad & onError
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )
The event handler attribute consists of three parts. Write about each of them.
Answer :
The identifier of the event handler
The equal sign
A string statement enclosed in double or single quotes.
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
What is a packet in the network environment? What kind of information does it contain?
- Packet is data chopped up into pieces in a network environment.
- These packets contain information about which computer sent the data and where the data is going.
- If a packet runs into a problem during its trip, it can attempt to find another route. When all the packets get where they are going, the recipient computer puts them together again.
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )
What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?
Intra net is the communication of computer with in office or one building and internet across the boundaries
Question No: 27 (Marks: 2)
What is a function? Give one example.
Function is a reusable code (group of statement) that is executed when the function is called. It is also known as sub-program. Function is normally defined in the head section of the code.
Question No: 28 (Marks: 2)
What is an intelligent system?
Intelligent systems are the programs developed to perform complicated jobs that reflect human brain and thoughts. If the algorithms are too much complex or can not be solved instantly then we can use such systems. Therefore the well intelligent system not only performs well but it has the capability to rectify any errors by himself if it occurs within his domain.
The examples of intelligent systems are Robotics, Business Intelligence …etc.
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )
Can a human doctor be replaced by an Expert System? Give reasons to support
your answer.
Yes, a human doctor can be replaced by an expert system because systems
that, in some limited sense, can replace an expert. Expert system can act as intelligent assistant to human experts or serve as a resource to people who may
not have access to expert. And also the purpose of all application (expert
system) is not to replace our human experts but to make their knowledge and
experience more widely available.
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
Differentiate between For and While loop by writing the syntax of both loops.
The only difference between FOR loop and WHILE loop is the syntax for defining
them. There is no performance difference at all.
Syntax of both loops
For( x = 99 ; x < 6000 : x = x + 1)
{ document . write (x) :}
While (tanks full == false )
{ tank = tank + bucket : }
Document.write ("tank is full now");
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )
What is a compound condition? Give example.
Compound condition is putting multiple statements at places where java script
expects only one for those situations. This is done simply by enclosing any
numbers of statements within curly braces, for example
{If ((day == "Sunday") // (day == "Saturday"))
(Bhola = "cool";
Mood = "great";
Clothing = "casual";}
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
Define Primary key and Queries
Primary Key
Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record stored in a table.
Queries are used to view, change, and analyze data. They can be used to combine data from different table and extract the exact data that is desired.
Why hub is used in networks?
HUB: Hub is networking component which can be used to connect the networks and it
can also be used to extend the size of networks.
Simply it can be explained as a common connection point for devices in a
network. It contains multiple ports like 8port, 16 port , 23 port hubs
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )
Write names of the DoS attack's phases?
DoS (Denail of service): DoS attach has in total 3 phases and below they are listed:
1. Search
2. Arm
3. Attack
Write the names of DOS attack. 2Marks
Ping of Death and Teardrop attacks,
Differentiate between
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
What do you mean by FTP or File Transfer Protocol?
FTP: File transfer protocol was first introduced in 1973; it standardized the transfer of
files between computers on a TCP/IP network (e.g internet).
It can download or upload files to a remote computer using the FTP protocol
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
How many types of errors can be found during a program development? List them
1. Syntax errors
2. Semantic errors
3. Run-time errors
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )
What kind of information can be stored in a database ?
It can stored numbers, boleans, sound, video, images etc.
Define the key weakness of the web?
Initially web was designed only for humans to read not for computers to understand it.
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
How can we define a Pixel?
It is the smallest element of image which is spread with regular array on display
and each element consist of particular color.
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 ) Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
How marketing strategies are changed with the progress in computing? How
new marketing strategies are implemented?
Marketing Strategy Changes with the new requirements of the modern era and
the applications of the business. The web has changed marketing strategy from a
mass focus to single person focus. We collected data and analyze accordingly to
find out the behavior of the market and end users. In new marketing more
advertising is being done through email and web and get feedback.
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
Why hub is used in networks?
HUB: Hub is networking component which can be used to connect the networks
and it can also be used to extend the size of networks.
Simply it can be explained as a common connection point for devices in a
network. It contains multiple ports like 8port, 16 port , 23 port hubs
What is database??? (2)
• A collection of data organized in such a fashion that the computer can quickly
search for a desired data item
Tabular Storage: Features & Possibilities:
• Similar items of data form a column
Tabular storage is better than flat-file storage
What is Trojan horse??? (3)Viruses
•Self-replicating SW that eludes detection and is designed to attach itself to other files
Anatomy of a Virus
•A virus consists of 2 parts:
•Transmission mechanism
Other Virus-Like Programs
•There are other computer program s that are similar to viruses in some ways but
different in some others
•Three types:
Trojan horses
Logic- or time e-bombs
Trojan Horses
•They appear to be something interesting and harmless (e.g. a game) but when
they are executed, destruction results
Logic- or Time-Bombs
•It executes its payload when a predetermined event occurs
•Harmless in the sense that they only make copies of themselves on the infected
•Harmful in the sense that it can use up available computer resources (i.e. memory,
Flow chart is a form of algorithm....explains???? (2)A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to a given problem.
Question No: 30 (Marks: 2)
What is best algorithm?
Greedy algorithm is the best algorithm as it is n algorithm that always takes the best immediate or local solution while finding an answer.
Question No: 32 (Marks: 3)
What are the Sub categories of Artificial Intelligence? Briefly explain any two.
1. Robotics
These are the machines which are computer programmed and perform work which was previously done by humans. They can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration and medical applications.
2. Expert Systems
These systems are designed to replace an expert. The medical expert system is an example of such system which can replace a Doctor/medical expert.
Question No: 34 (Marks: 5)
What is ARPANET and who developed it?
ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects. The initial purpose was to communicate with and share computer resources among mainly scientific users at the connected institutions. In the beginning it was connected four universities and enabled scientists to share resources.
It was headed by Dr. J.C.R. Licklider.
What is program methodology>??? (2)PROGRAM METHODOLOGY
In order to have the maximum benefit, the program will diversify the method of delivering the knowledge to participants. The program will transfer horizontal skills and knowledge to all participants and vertical skills and knowledge for each participant based on his specialty through:
Training courses
Interactive working sessions similar to the speciality.
Preparing projects or strategic plans related to the specific field of work for each participant.
3D rendering??? (2)3D Rendering - 3D Rendering is the process of producing an image based on three-dimensional data stored within a computer.
3D rendering is a creative process that is similar to photography or cinematography, because you are lighting and staging scenes and producing images. Unlike regular photography, however, the scenes being photographed are imaginary, and everything appearing in a 3D rendering need to be created (or re-created) in the computer before it can be rendered. This is a lot of work, but allows for an almost infinite amount of creative control over what appears in the scene, and how it is depicted.
What do u mean by FTP???? (3)FTP allows you to transfer files between two computers on the Internet. FTP is a simple network protocol based on Internet Protocol and also a term used when referring to the process of copying files when using FTP technology.
Advantages and disadvantages of client-side scripting 5Marks
Advantages and disadvantages of client-side scriptsDevelopers might consider using client-side scripts for many reasons, and they might have some legitimate reasons not to use them.
Client-side scripts offer numerous advantages, including:
- Allow for more interactivity by immediately responding to users' actions
- Execute quickly because they don't require a trip to the server
- May improve the usability of Web sites for users whose browsers support scripts
- Can give developers more control over the look and behavior of their Web widgets (note that this can be an advantage or disadvantage)
- Can be substituted with alternatives (for example, HTML) if users' browsers do not support scripts
- Are reusable and obtainable from many free resources such as
Client-side scripts also create additional worries, including:
- Not all browsers support scripts, therefore, users might experience errors if no alternatives have been provided
- Different browsers and browser versions support scripts differently, thus more quality assurance testing is required
- More development time and effort might be required (if the scripts are not already available through other resources)
- Developers have more control over the look and behavior of their Web widgets; however, usability problems can arise if a Web widget looks like a standard control but behaves differently or vice-versa
Who is computer professional??? (3)W ho is a computing professional?
•Professionals involved in the development and maintenance of SW and computer HW
•Computer scientists, software engineers, computer engineers, and some of the telecom engineers are generally classified as computing professionals
What are ordered lists??? Give codes with tabular representation??? (5)An ordered list typically is a numbered list of items. HTML 3.0 gives you the ability to control the sequence number - to continue where the previous list left off, or to start at a particular number. The numbering style is left to associated style sheets, e.g. whether nested lists contribute to a compound item number, e.g. "3.1.5", or whether numbers are rendered as arabic, upper or lower case roman numerals or using the numbering scheme appropriate to the language context.
Duty n profit for an architect?? (5)
Function arguments??? (5)Optional Function Arguments in JavaScript
Many programming languages support optional function arguments - ie. functions in which certain arguments are optional. You can set a default value for any argument - so if the argument is not present, the default value will be used. Unfortunately, JavaScript is not one of these languages - so we will have to use a bit of trickery to get this effect in JavaScript.
What is URL?
URLs - What is an URL?
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which means it is a uniform (same throughout the world) way to locate a resource (file or document) on the Internet. The URL specifies the address of a file and every file on the Internet has a unique address. Web software, such as your browser, use the URL to retrieve a file from the computer on which it resides.
What are the qualities of a presentation?
What is FTP?
What is IT its fields?
Difference between database and DBMS?Database:
• A collection of data organized in such a fashion that the computer can quickly
search for a desired data item
Tabular Storage: Features & Possibilities:
• Similar items of data form a column
Tabular storage is better than flat-file storage
Stands for "Database Management System." In short, a DBMS is a database program. Technically speaking, it is a software system that uses a standard method of cataloging, retrieving, and running queries on data. The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and provides ways for the data to be modified or extracted by users or other programs.
What the function of print preview?Write the names of DOS attack. 2Marks
The Actual Attack
Neutralizing the Attack
Write html format to include GIF and JPG images in webpage 2Marks
Differentiate between <td> and <tr> tags 2 Markshe <tr> tag defines a row in an HTML table.
A tr element contains one or more th or td elements.
Definition and Usage
The <td> tag defines a standard cell in an HTML table.
An HTML table has two kinds of cells:
Header cells - contains header information (created with the th element)
Standard cells - contains data (created with the td element)
The text in a th element is bold and centered.
The text in a td element is regular and left-aligned.
Who array are implemented in java script 2 Marks
Who we can define pixel 3 marksThe term "pixel" is actually short for "Picture Element." These small little dots are what make up the images on computer displays, whether they are flat-screen (LCD) or tube (CRT) monitors. The screen is divided up into a matrix of thousands or even millions of pixels. Typically, you cannot see the individual pixels, because they are so small. This is a good thing, because most people prefer to look at smooth, clear images rather than blocky, "pixelated" ones. However, if you set your monitor to a low resolution, such as 640x480 and look closely at your screen, you will may be able to see the individual pixels. As you may have guessed, a resolution of 640x480 is comprised of a matrix of 640 by 480 pixels, or 307,200 in all. That's a lot of little dots.
What is the preferred organizational structure for the organization 3Marks
Differentiate between onFocus and onBlur 3 MarksonFoucs occur when cursor is focused to control and onBlur is called on focus is lost or set to any other control.
OnFocus is when you give an item focus, by clicking on it, tabbing into it, using the tab key, or doing anything that makes it the active element.
OnBlur is when something loses focus, by clicking on something else, tabbing out of it, using the tab key, or doing something that makes another element the active element..
What are three basic components of system software 3 MarksA computer system consists of three major components: hardware, software, and humans (users, programmers, administrators, operators, etc.). Software can be further divided into seven layers. Firmware can be categorized as part of hardware, part of software, or both.
Advantages and disadvantages of client-side scripting 5Marks
Briefly describe for layout of presentation 5MarksThe presentation slide show layout uses a new three-frame frameset. The two main frames are used to display the Slide in the left frame, and the Table of Contents in the right frame. The Slide frame is always displayed, however the Table of Contents frame has the option of being displayed or hidden. The Slide frame automatically resizes to accommodate displaying or hiding the Table of Contents frame. The Control Bar is displayed in the lower pane and contains Play and Stopbuttons used for unattended slide shows, a Show/Hide Contents button, a Help button, and an Exit button to end the slide show.
Who many members are there in business development team? Briefly describe the responsibilities and profile of their 5Marks
Explain the function of '+' operator with the help of example 5 MarksWhy we use JavaScript?
JavaScript is a client side programming Language.
It is used to create popup windows and Intersect with HTMLpages.
Using java script the code lines will be decrease.
JavaScript Is Mostly Use in create delete or set cookies on page and
also retrieve the data.
Errors occur in developing program? Write names
in which situation we use inline event handling?
What are the properties, method and event handling of image java script?
Write names of 5 key characteristics of internet?• Product of the public sector
• Ignored by telephone industry
• A single standard
• Public property
• No central command
• American dominance
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